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Jell-O (angry rant)
To Do (list)
Fly Away (semi-fiction)
Harvey (collection of 7 fictions and semi-fictions)
Art (collection of art and more art*)
Tales (a few stories*)
Theories (a lot of theories*)
Tolerance (thoughtful rant/essay)
Flower Fae (semi-fiction)
Xavier (fiction)
Life Theories (my pseudo-belief system)
Mes Amies (original lyrics)
The Four Agreements - by Don Miguel Ruiz (a yoga-type philosophy)
Two Sides of a First Heartbreak (school-friendly vs. midnight madness)
Pavlov (some poetry)
Untouched (some more angsty poetry)

Have a fantastic day!

Read my guestbook. ~*~ Sign my guestbook.

* = I was high at the time