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Real Name: Rose
Birthday: 2/2/1982
Gender: Female
Location: Washington
Occupation: Other
Hobbies: chillaxing wtih the homiez, movies, shopping, having a girls night out with my bombshell friends, surfing online--u know the usual stuff ;)
Email: Click Here

Member since: 9/21/2003

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Tuesday, December 23, 2003

wow damn christmas is already here...tomorrow night will be christmas eve...damn it took me along time to buy present for all my friends...damn traffic in the street and the malls are pack...crazy day for those holiday rush.........iam spenting my christmas with my friends this family are out of states having the time of there life in the philippines men i wanted to go but i can't hhehe...atleast am spending it with my true to everyone i wish you all a merry christmas and a happy new year...much love..

i don't need present  or any material things i want to have something that can touch my heart wawa..hhehhe...

Tuesday, December 09, 2003

today i got my first present it's under my christmas tree...thank you kimberly...i love my know whatever happened you will always be my lil sister and i will always be here if you needed anything....

Monday, December 08, 2003 family are in the philippines now...there gonna be there  after  christmas so iam gonna be spending christmas with my friends..but i miss my family..this past week i stayed in federal way so i can spent time with my mom and my brother and sister....we went to malls  to buy things for my other brother and sisters..yes i still have bro and sis..there older than me though...but next year am gonna go there with my mom,,so am excited something 2 wait for...i just hope there safe and i hope there having a good time.....



you know what i don't really want any present this year...i only want one thing my friends knows this and even my mom knows this too...but it's impossible because destiny will only give it to meeh.......222222222222222222

Wednesday, December 03, 2003



this was taken at showbox...nov 22,2003...

as1 184.jpg



Tuesday, November 11, 2003

damn i haven't update this page for hella long now..i haven't beeen home lately mostly kicking it with some my friends....i feel kinda sick today..i don't know i think it might be the weather. i hope it's sunny tomorrow. last week i went to arisrocrat with my friends. ruiza and khanh,athens and jae, and me. i met up with my boi loyd,saw martha with lakina...also they were with the group called souldefy.there also our homies..hheheh...i had fun just being with everybody and just dancing the night away..too bad jen and asiong didn't go but it's coo cause that day was there 1 year. who would of thought those two would last this long.but am happy for you guys and we love you.. the place was pack there's hardly a place to dance so most of us went upstair the 21 and up. we got ourself a drink and we dance and also we listen to our homeboys sing......took hella pictures too bad we kinda left athens downstair sorry athens..hheh but we stayed down there at the end...but one of our homeboy got hella fucked up that he was already on the we had to bounce. vu next time drink and know your limit.....

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