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2/1/08- Drawback to living in a dorm...

Sorry, but no new updates this weekend. Neither on this site nor Ghost Chicken; I need time to pace around and brain storm up ideas in order to get a script jotted down after all, something which is regretfully impossible since my roommate felt like staying here instead of going home for the weekend.

And of course, doing funny voices into a mic is really hard to pull off if there’s someone right there that just doesn’t get it watching you the whole time. It’s also down right impossible if he has the TV on, too much background junk would get in to the file. Not to mention I tend to work best around 4 in the morning, and that’s impossible if all the lights are off – and they will be this weekend, since someone just has to be asleep well before then.

1/26/08- GLaD(OS) to be Back!

Surprised to see the site updated again? I know it’s been five years, but this is still a more frequent updating rate than Greg Warner. But I digress; fact of the matter was that I’d lost interest in this project a long while back since I received not a single email from anyone… I figured, if there’s no one watching, why keep performing?

Though in recent months I’ve been working on a web comic that’s just as outstandingly unpopular as this aperture of a radio drama, but I still keep adding new pages to it just because I enjoy it. And really, even if no one’s ever going to see it, if I enjoy it then… why not keep going? So, I looked back over this site, realized I did indeed miss doing this kind of stuff, and decided to pick back up where I left off.

Well, almost where I left off… I actually have no idea where I was going with that last story ark, so I’m just gonna cut it off where it currently is and start Ark 4. If you want to know how Ark 3 ended… they both eventually realized that they weren’t actually cursed anymore, and so there was no need to go anywhere. There, a perfectly wrapped up ending. I hope you enjoy the new season of the Mrs. B. Bored Show! I’ll try to add new episodes every weekend, most likely Saturdays, and of course will increase production rates to several times a week if I find out anyone’s actually listening.

10/20/03- Stupid Technicalities

That Top Web Comics site was really bringing in a lot of new fans to this brilliant marvel of modern man - to which of course I'm referring to this site. Though the problem lays not within this site's content, which is as spectacular as possible, but in the Top Web Comic's site itself.

You see, they felt like loosing the records of everyone who was on their site, and so my previous account with them has been terminated. No problem, I can easily start anew, but alas some stupid technicality felt like showing up and preventing people from voting just by clicking on the link.

Anywho, if you still feel like voting for me anyway, here's what you've got to do now: right click on the Top Web Comics image, choose 'properties', then copy the address given within the properties to the address bar. This will bring you to a screen where you can vote. Of course, I only expect my most loyal of fans to put themselves through all that...

Latest Audio: (1/26/08)
Episode 18: GLaD(OS) to be Back

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The layout of the site was legally stolen from Brian Clevinger, and his Nuklear Power site. All characters appearing on this site are fictitious and any similarities to any celebrities living or otherwise is entirely coincidental and unintentional unless otherwise noted in the cast and crew credits.