
Newest one of Xar! I am trying to draw from different angles now...O.o What do ya think? ~.^

Fisr pic I drew of her on the computer. I was really trying to get her look and colors.
I really like this picture. First one I drew of her ever. We don't have a scanner so I recreated it on Corel Painter 8! I think it's prettey dran good, but only 6 people liked it when I entered it in the BC *sniffle* hopefully Sleeping Xariiah will do better...
Grrrr! I HATE this picture! Why is even here? O.o


I like this pic a lot too. Wasn't accepted in the art contest O.o First picture of drawing 'real' grass on Corel.
Mossy's first lookup circle/bubble thingy....Makes him look handsome eh?^^
This is his new look up bubble thingy. I think I'm going to draw even another one!

This is a really big, but I love this picture If I do say so myself!I took me a long tome to do, even though I had been planning it in my head for days!


I love this picture! It proves that I can draw more than just Ixi O.o

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