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Growing in Grace
Sunday, 26 October 2003

I reckon today I'll try to find a way to make myself useful. It shouldn't be too difficult since I've got some mowing that needs to be done and I've got a garage that's begging for attention. Since my little woman works away from the house today that leaves me with some laundry to deal with.

It seems that we can always find something that needs to be done, but the one thing that we have need of more than anything else is the one thing we leave neglected most of the time and that is growing in our relationship with God. When my wife reminds me of things that need to be done around the house she never makes mention of those spiritual things that need to be done in our lives.

Just as things like laundry and yard mowing and garage cleaning don't take care of themselves, the things that make for a healthy spiritual life don't take care of themselves either. There is a need to spend time in fellowship with other believers, there is a need to spend time in prayerful meditation, there is a need to spend time in God's Word reminding oneself of what God desires. A spiritual life neglected is a spiritual life without the blessings of God.

It's easy to assume a lot of things with God. We've all done it, and probably still do. But there are certain things in our life that only God can do, and there are other things in life that only God will do. God will not do for us what He has intended for us to do. He will not pray for us so we don't have to pray, nor will He read His Word for us so we don't have to. He will not make the trips in our place to church so we don't have to go. Yes, there are things that only God can and will do, and there are other things that He has left up to us to do. If we want to have the kind of relationship with God that He desires from us then there are certain things we must do.

My yard isn't going to get mowed unless I do it, and my garage isn't going to get straightened up unless I do it. The same goes for my walk with the Lord. My prayer life isn't going to get better unless I make the effort to make it better. I won't grow in the knowledge of the Lord anymore than what I now know if I don't open the pages of His Word. And I won't have fellowship with other believers unless I make the effort to do so.

So I reckon I'll get around to doing some things around the house that need to be done, but while I'm doing that I'll also be reminding myself of the other things that I shouldn't leave undone in my walk with the Lord.

Posted by moon/moonmeister at 11:50 AM CDT
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Saturday, 25 October 2003
This Is The Day
This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. Saying it is easier sometimes than actually doing it, but I try to do both. I've got good reason to rejoice today. Aside from the fact that it is the Sabbath of the Lord it is also a day for me to reflect on the blessings of the week, one big blessing being that I was brought on full-time where I've been working for the past seven months as a temp.

What a rough past seven months it's been, wondering if I'll have a job from one week to the next, but the Lord has been merciful. He has reminded me on more than one occasion that as long as my needs are met that's what's really important. I think a lot of times we're more interested in having our greeds met than our needs. Needs are just a given in the minds of most, something we just assume happens automatically. But when your world turns upside down they're not taken too lightly anymore.

But I think I'll just chill out for the rest of the day and reflect on God's goodness, because He truly has been good to me in spite of how unworthy I am of it. I'm sure there are many who read this that know what I'm talking about.

Posted by moon/moonmeister at 10:36 AM CDT
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