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Moon Mog

Nov 18 2003 To day i start my web page of doom dooom doooom......

Nov 19 2003 wile playing my gbasp got a good idea to make a page about nintendo games and how well i liked them. my game timer showes that i have played my game for 20 hours and i just got it last weekend. and that is not the only game i have played so why not put my gaming views up for other people to see.

nov 24 2003 very very cold today so i am working very slow cause i can't feel my fingers. one more day till i am off for a week. i think i will be staying at home this thanksgiving with my dog. that remindes me i need to put a page up for her i love her so much she has been hanging out with me today she is as cold as me.

dec 12 2003 oops haven't done anything on here in a wile. i have had to work everyday so that has cut in to my internet time a little bit. what sucks is that i won't even make more than 200 bucks i have to get a better job. well any way i think i will start working on my nintendo page i all ready have the list of games for the game cube the 64 is what is going to be hard i have all kinds of games for it and they are everywhere here up at chrisinas and i think some might even be at the roaches house. i know my games by number so i shouldn't leave any out. hopfuly i won't...

Things i hope to do with this web page


My Doggy
Poor Penguin