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Aurora Plushieİ 's Toy Box

My Favorite Things in the Toybox

My Favorite Web Sites

Anime Wallpapers
Aluminum Studios

Arigato for visiting my page!! I don't have visitors that often in my toybox, so I'll consider anyone who even peeks in is a guest!!
Oh well, since you're here, you might as well check out the few
Mp3s and
other things I've uploaded for your entertainment pleasure.
Oh, and have a weird day!!

Anime Rocks!

June 27, 2003

The day is long, but the end is near
The days are short, but the end is near
The love is forever, but the end is near
The love is lost, the end is near
No matter what one does, or how well one does it,


(told you it was!)
<bgsound src="" loop=infinite>

auroraplushie got their Neopet at