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Crusade Against Boredom
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Nearly Bedtime..

Hey, it's me again. It's that boring time between dinner and bed. Have a serious motivation problem. I've got soo muck work to do but don't know where to start. That and the fact that I would rather do absolutely nothing than start on that english assignment (yes, we got a new one!).
Listening to Linkin Park. Damn are they geniuses or what? Wish I could make music like that, music that means something. I play violin, have been for nearly four years now, but I suck. Maybe it's the kind of music I play, I don't know. Today I heard my friend Camile playing piano in music. The music she plays, it's beautiful, it means something. Then again, I don't practise that much, so I don't really have a choice at this point in what to play. Maybe I'll try to play 'my immortal"?