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Scabbers and Socrates's Nest

Hey, everyone. The site you just landed yourself on is a site created by MiriahoftheWind.
This site has so far six categories in it. You can also search by title or search by author or search
by genre. If you want to search by categories then go through the link titled "The Rat's Nest"
It would mean so much to me if you sent me a fic. I might put fanart up here but first I'm going
to have to get use to this HTML thing. If you want to add an category and you have a story for it
then by all means, be my guest. Ready? Well, you're on your own...

Disclaimer: None of the authors are making money off this site.
Socrates is owned by Universal Studios and Scabbers is owned by J.K. Rowling.

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The Rat's Nest
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