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My Words

My views

I guess I will start off with religion. I don't really see why we have religion. Sure, some people need it to feel "safe" or "whole" but I don't believe in all of that non-sense. I just can't really see how some religions come up with the stuff they do. Take christians, for example, I find it really hard to believe in the Ark and talking snakes. I don't mean for it to sound like a joke, but I think it's all just a fake. I've always wondered how they got 2 of every animal on earth onto a boat and they all survived. Now, please excuse me if I'm wrong in the way I put it, but I haven't read my bible in a while. First off, how could he get the fish to survive? If everything flooded, wouldn't the water mix together and kill the fish? Also, how does an animal like a polar bear survive on a hot boat for all that time? Or how did he even know if some of the animals were male or female? What about the insects? How did he get those little bastards? I honestly don't see how he did it. It just seems too crazy for me. And talking snakes? WHAT THE HELL?!? What about some dude walking on water? What were these people smoking on?
