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Mercurioux: what the o.o
Maverick kun: hey get back here, i need to finish the score
Mercurioux: thats been happening since the router o.o
Maverick kun: <5 woo 3> i sunk your woo-ship
Maverick kun: yeah, same here
Mercurioux: O.O
Mercurioux: i cant wait for iRO i miss it so much o.o
Maverick kun: i can do w/o it
Maverick kun: now what i really need is... a sandwitch
Mercurioux: me too
Mercurioux: my mom:
Mercurioux: "we're gonna go buy meat to make dinner"
Mercurioux: that was more than an hour ago...
Maverick kun: hehehe
Maverick kun: i think i ate too much ice-cream ~_~
Mercurioux: what kind??? o(o.o)o<3
Maverick kun: um??? chocolate mint
Mercurioux: o(O.O)o
Maverick kun: what the moo
Mercurioux: moo moo moo moo
Maverick kun: i'll moo your moo's
Maverick kun: <moo's>
Maverick kun: taught you a lesson
Mercurioux: ive been totally moo'ed
Maverick kun: you're damn moo
Mercurioux: and heres leo laport...
Mercurioux: "moo moo moo network cable moo moo"
Maverick kun: what the moo?
Maverick kun: no, man, it's'
Maverick kun: today's moo tip is right moo on the moo and hit the moo tab where you set your moo's moopaper and click moo
Mercurioux: lol~
Mercurioux: ...moo
Maverick kun: and i would like to moo megan all moo long...
Maverick kun: i mean, i didn't say moo on moovision???
Mercurioux: hahahahaha
Mercurioux: the moo gets bleeped...
Maverick kun: exmooly
Mercurioux: O.O
Mercurioux: i have a audio clip
Mercurioux: of cris going "MoOOOOOOooo~"
Maverick kun: i can picture patrick norton saying that... "did i just say moo on telemoo... oh moo i did?!... ah moo... i'm so moo-ed... moo me... moo damn it... can we get where we were mooing at?!?!?!
Maverick kun: she's an oddball
Mercurioux: lol
Mercurioux: yea
Mercurioux: i told her to do it once
Maverick kun: "apple's can suck my moo"...
Maverick kun: ??? why~nyu
Mercurioux: ci said...
Mercurioux: "you cant come over until you MOO"
Maverick kun: so let me guess... she's moo-ed?
Maverick kun: you sick moo's! i can't believe you moo on the internet... where the moo going at where ppl moo across america instant moo
Mercurioux: that can be translated in so many ways...
Maverick kun: or in so many moo's... pick you moo
Mercurioux: aww moo...
Maverick kun: i moo at your moo
Mercurioux: woah
Mercurioux: cristina is doing WAY too much
Mercurioux: she's gonna die ._.
Maverick kun: what the moo are you talking about?
Mercurioux: tennis
Mercurioux: school band
Mercurioux: and all city band
Mercurioux: and she's taking pre-cal this year
Mercurioux: and AP us history...
Mercurioux: >.<
Maverick kun: yep... she's taking moo lot
Mercurioux: this bodes bad for us moo...
Mercurioux: she's gonna be more stressed
Mercurioux: and more busy moo...
Maverick kun: yeah, you should moo her and go, "hey, quit mooing yourself!"
Mercurioux: O.O
Maverick kun: wait a sec... that didn't go well as i planned
Mercurioux: that was dirty-moo...
Mercurioux: lol
Maverick kun: what, me? <points to self> what the moo are you talking about
Maverick kun: it was the other moo who was here and mooing for me