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Welcome to my world!



 I'm a 23 year old female that lives in Fl. My name is Jenn. I am 4"11" real blonde medium hair hazel eyes and cute! I am attending a community college. I was majoring in Desktop Publishing, it is boring me..  I am changing my major to Forensic Science & Cosmetology (where you put make-up on the deceased people)...Yea, so if you think I am nuts then so be it.. That is what I want to do so I am going to do it. 

I have my own house that I have been in for a year. I got  this house b/c I was in a car accident in 1999.. I was hurt do to the fragility of my skin if you are wondering about it I was born with a very rare skin disorder called "EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA" EB for short. I will be writing about that soon. So check back and see what I have up-dated and such. So, I got a settlement from the insurance company! So, I had two choices, a Car (a week after the accident I wasn't ready to drive a car!) so I bout a house!  When I tell someone about me owning a house at the age 23 they are like NO WAY! That is such a great investment! I was like way cool.. I don't know anything about that stuff! So yea.. It's a nice house too. 

Hear is more fun stuff to get to know me a little better..  Also, I will be adding much more to this web-page.. Like, pictures, quotes, poems, ect.. So, just be patient with me..


Favorite foods~  Mashed potatoes, chicken (ONLY WHITE MEAT I WILL EAT), Steak, And really what I can eat. I love Italian food! Papa Johns is my favorite pizza place! I love chocolate and candy..  Yummy to my tummyI  I just love to eat. I feel for the people that have to watch there diet! I went with out food for like 9 dayd a few months ago.. I was sick but um I about DIED! 


 My Nick names~  Shorty, Shorty4life, Short-shit, Munchkin, Lil person, Cutie pie, sweety, sexy, baby, baby-boo, Gucci Gucci-girl, Jennie, Jen, Jeni, Jenniepooh, Babe, Blondie, Silly-girl, Silly-me, Snuggly-soft, Smiley, Sly Fox,


What I like to do for fun~  Movies, Shop, Dance, Hang with friends, Read, Write, Talk, Meet new people, Listen to music, Cuddle, Sleep, Swim. 


Favorite kind of movies~  Romance, Scary, Comedy..  Then again it also depends what mood I am in.. Or who I am with!   


What I write~  Stories about me & my life through the years, and poems I write, I have speeches I did for DeBra! I love doing that.. For the past three years I was the spokes person for them.. But, they didn't have enough money this year for me & my Grammy to go! Oh I missed it soooo bad too. I always have fun! O-wellz next time. 


Favorite Colors~  I love Silver, all sorts of blues, Purple and transparent.. I know that isn't a color.. I also like a lot of colors combined like, Blue & silver, Blue & orange (go GATORS!), Pink & yellow, white & sky blue! Hehe.. There is a lot of blue! hmhmhm.. 


Favorite Music:  R&B, Some Rap, Some Country, Some oldies, Alternative..  Depends what mood I am in.. I am a BIG fan of music! I have it on basically 24/7.. I love Justin Timberlake b/c he has a great voice and awesome beats! You see, my sister was going to the Justin & Christina concert and she didn't take me! She bought her friend Sandra the other freakin ticket! That made me soo mad!!!!!!   


My favorite stores to shop in~  Wal-mart, Malls, 5,7,9, The Florida Mall in Orlando, I have expensive taste in cloths and everything I like you can say.. I hate not having money! It sucks!  Basically the stores that have my size in clothing.. 


Favorite animals~  My favorite animal has to be cats.. I have two cat's myself, they are Buddy is all black and he is 2 yrs old..  Jesse is almost a yr old he is also black and white..  I love them very much!  I also love wild cats.. Like Leopards, cheetahs, and others that I forgot..  


What I think of myself~  Sweet, Caring, Funny, Fun to be with, Laid back, Open, Loyal, Honest, Blunt, Cute, Nice, cuddly type of person, and more:) Guy's ask me "what celebrity do I resemble" I say I resemble myself=) Some don't say anything after I say that.. LOL...  


What type of guys I "try" to date~  tall with short hair, in shape, dresses nice up with the styles, has a great smile & pretty eyes, some tattoos & piercing, wears hats..  I don't like the "stuck up" type guys.. Also, sweet, caring, funny, fun to be with, honest, loyal, open, laid back, loves to watch football, has a job, or in college..  None smoker, none druggies, he can drink sometimes=)  And most of all HE LIKES ME FOR ME!!=)