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Name: Raccio Lucco

Age: All the prime factors of three hundred fifty two add together, minus the smallest integer root, square it then plus thirty three, square root it, subtract one.

Gender: Female

City: Shenzhen (where I used live, Birmingham (where I’m living now), New York&Miami (the place I always wanted to visit most)

Favourite: Computer, chat, read.

Music - Avril Lavigne, Linkin park, Dido, Nirvana, Beyonce, Evanescene, Jennifer Lopez, Justin Timberlake, Eminem, Sum 41, Good Charlotte

People - lynn, yooo, bai, jia

Books - Lu Xun’s About, Chinese Cinderella, The Forgotten Moon

Things I currently want mostly: Some friends (sounds impossible?)/Loose weight/get rid of laziness/a clever brain/meteora/a digital camera/improvement with talking


About me

I am a Chinese girl who was born in ''Double Happy Event'', spent my first 12 year over there, and then lived in Shenzhen, after moved to the city I am current live in - Birmingham.   最亲密的小学同学也不知道现在怎么样, 想来, 都四年没回去过了, 原来我还那么惦记着那块我曾经在那儿嬉戏游玩的土地。 到出一片生机,特别是秋天,金黄色的油菜田一篇又一片,就像汪洋大海,好怀念啊!
