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**We open up to a hot sunny day as we see Mark walking down the street wearing his usual black jeans and black shirt. His dark hair is pulled back into a ponytail as he looks around the surrounding area, which happens to be a college. He comes across a short man with short dark hair and a mustache in a security guard’s uniform. He approaches him as two young women approach from the other direction. The security guard motions to Mark to wait a second while he engages the women in conversation…**

“Excuse me, but I am with campus security and if you don’t give me that bottle of Southern Comfort and blow me while I drink it, I am calling your parents.”

**One of the women gives him a glare while the other one hauls off and slaps him a good one, making Mark jump and make a wincing face. As the girls walk off Mark looks to the security guard with an innocent smile and speaks…**

“Does that line ever work?”

**The security guard just snorts and rubs his face where the woman slapped him...**

“Maybe you should keep trying.” **Mark says with a snicker...**

“Anyway, I am looking for a good place to eat around here. Can you suggest any restaurants?”

“Yeah, there is a steakhouse up the road about three blocks. Damn, ho’s these days got no respect around here. I am a man in uniform, damn.”

**Mark laughs and commences to walk away…**

“Thanks friend.”

**Scene fades out as Mark walks down the road. A few moments later the feed is back and we now see Mark sitting in a booth inside of the steakhouse restaurant…**

“Well I see Apehead has finally let the ‘cat out of the bag’ concerning our match. A Three Stooges fan?! I can’t exactly say I am surprised, really. This certainly is a change of pace from Martial Arts competitions with everybody so serious and here we are in professional wrestling and we get to hit each other with custard pies. I had said I wanted a change when I left the M.A. circuit… guess I should have listened to my coach when he told me to be careful what I wish for.”

**Mark grows quiet for a moment as if he is recalling past memories. He reaches his hand up to the neckline of his shirt and pulls out a cross necklace. He holds it tightly until we notice a droplet of blood fall onto the table. He had squeezed the cross so hard that it punctured the flesh of his palm. As if awakened from a dream he looks back to the camera…**

“Something in common… yes. I lost my parents… it was tragic, but I got revenge thanks to Uncle Sam. Now how many people can say they have gotten a carte blanche for vengeance? Not many. But as for the match… I assure you that I am going to come out there and give it my all. I am not going to pull any punches. That is not who I am or what I am about. Now if we beat each other senseless and at the end of the night we can shake hands and get a beer after the show that would be something. I think we both know what the other is capable of and won’t underestimate our talents and abilities. Well it looks like I will have to wait until next promo to say more. Here comes my food.”

**Scene fades out as a waitress brings over a big plate full of food and sets it in front of Mark. **