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2.5.2005. | 4:40 p.m.

Wow! It's really been forever. I'm so horrible...but school's good this semester, and has really been keeping me busy! The journal is more up to date...but I'll try to be better with this too (famous last words!)
So I guess the last pictures are of the ASTP Christmas concert and New Year's. But after my scanner gets working, I'll have a ton more that are just fabulous, so you hang in there!!!
There's also a new addition in the writing section of an essay that's getting published! So yay for that!!! Plus there'll be more in that area because I'm taking fiction this semester, so it'll be good!

Stay tuned for more updates, and I swear I'll try to be less delinquent!


scented // french vanilla

Mood of the Moment:
The current mood of malee_h at www.imood.com

Current music: Maren Ord, Perfect

Current longing: These so Elphabariffic.

The Pixie's Pages

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