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Lunar Effects on the Human Psyche

"It is the very error of the moon", said Othello, "she comes more nearer earth than she wont, and makes men mad." Othello. Shakespeare.

Hello, my name is D. J. Harris, and we will be exploring today the effects of the Lunar Cycle on the Human Psyche.

The purpose of this speech is to alert you to the importance of the moon phases and the physiological and psychological effects that they have on your life and the lives of others. The points that will be presented to you today are a product of research studies, recorded statistics, and generally respected and recognized theories.

I have been involved in the study of Lunar Effects for an excess of twelve years through both a web site that I run and before that a BBS, or pre internet chat type environment, that covered the subject. I also have wrote extensively on this subject for a thesis paper in high school. (We won't go into how long ago that was!)

The moon phases, or lunar cycles, are not only informative when it comes to predicting behavioral patterns it is very telling about the reasons behind why we react the way we do in certain situations at certain times.

What are Lunar Effects?

Transylvania effect or lunar effects are both terms used to refer to the phenomenon of moon phases. The belief that the full moon causes mental disorders and strange behavior is the basis of these theories however in recent research the effects are not restricted to just mental illness.

It is not clear of the exact length of the Lunar Cycle but it is said to last between 27 and 30 days. The most commonly accepted interpretation of the cycle is 29.53 days.

Studies of the Moon are prominent. This could be a result of its position as the closest body in space to the earth.

Two full moons can occur in one month's time. No full moon in a month is possible but only in the moth of February.

We didn't begin to explore the moon officially until 1959. It became a particularly interesting subject in science in 1969 when on June 20th of that year Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon.

Analysis of the moons rock samples revealed that the moon consisted of primarily volcanic materials and is similar in many ways to the earth. It was also found to have a metallic core and unlike the earth a relatively low magnetic field. Throughout history since this discovery many have tried to link the moons metallic core to the events that have occurred in the Bermuda triangle. Of course nothing has ever been proven.


True to its elusive nature, many of the astrological influences attributed to the Moon remain one step away from scientific verification. Mounting support, however, is now given to theories that were once dismissed as superstition.

Lunar effects have yet to be recognized as a proven theory although has gained high recognition in recent years as a viable and likely theory. It is thought by many disbeliveers that a combination of factors such as the media, folklore, and the credibility associated with those who do believe as the real reason this theory has not died down before now. These thoughts are compounded by the fact that studies have yet to succeed in showing a reliable and significant correlation between lunar cycles and effects on humans at any level.

Realistically the reasons behind the inability to prove the lunar effect theory seem to be tied to a variety of factors. There have been few official research studies done on the subject, successful studies show little to no consistency in their results, and many noted scientists disregard valid studies because of the tie the lunar effect has with astrology just to name a few of the reasons.

Those who advocate a link between madness and the Moon will often cite the "biological tides" theory as the basis of their belief. The theory states that since the Moon's gravity pulls on huge bodies of water, causing ocean tides, then it will have an effect on the human body, which is, after all, 80% water.

With the body being made of 80% bounded water and the earth's surface containing 80% unbounded waters this theory seems to have a lot of merit. Many skeptics however recite that this would not prove a correlation due to the fact that the data involving tidal effects shows that only unbound water is effected by it's cycle.

English law has not always agreed. The link between the Moon and madness was acknowledged in the 1600s by Sir William Hale - who was later to become chief justice. He wrote: "The Moon has great influence in all diseases of the brain, especially dementia." The Lunacy Act of 1842 built on this "logic", and as recently as 1940 a soldier who was charged with murder pleaded "moon madness".

Great ancient civilizations such as the Greeks, Egyptians and Chinese observed the sky and after time began to be able to predict events and recognize objects. For example they could predict the next full Moon. They used this information to create a fairly accurate calendar, based on the Moon phases. Muslims still use a lunar calendar. This is one of the reasons their holidays and festivals tend to fall on different dates every year.

Many religious holidays and festivals are in line with the lunar cycle. Chinese New Year occurs at the second new moon after winter solstice. Even Easter Sunday occurs the first Sunday after the first full moon after spring equinox.

During the Middle Ages the full moon was commonly associated with lycanthropy or werewolves. All cultures seem to have stories, myth, and folklore associated with the human transformation into animals of some kind at the full moon. Scientists often explain this phenomenon, at least the one in the middle ages, as poisoning from rye that had been contaminated by fungus ergot that is known to cause hallucinations.


Theories about the Moon's influence on animal behavior are more widely accepted in the scientific world.

Researchers in Bradford correlated 1,621 dog attacks reported between 1997 and 1999 with lunar phases. The results suggested people were twice as likely to be bitten around the time of a full moon. Extended research includes an increase of bites from animals such as cats, rats, and horses.

Bites are not the only thing that seems to occur. Coral mates at the full moon. Herbivores ovulate, Alaskan zoologists say bears, caribou, and salmon move, and hamsters are more active runner sat the full moon.

The height of deer rutting season occurs at two full moons and Migratory birds appear to follow the patterns of the moon in timing and finding their path of immigration. There is also evidence that says game birds return to certain locations at Hunters moon.


The correlation between Mental illness and the moon is legendary. The word lunacy derives from the Latin for moon, "luna". History is littered with references of madness being linked to cycles of the Earth's closest celestial neighbor.

The full moon amplifies the electrical charge in living cells. Mothers who have given birth previously are more likely to give birth on a full moon.

Theories exist that say all women used to ovulate in sync with the lunar cycle. Supporters of this theory say that this is changed now because of artificial light and other environmental factors.

Increase of epileptic seizures and bleeding ulcers occur at the full moon. Emergency room visits increase by 10%. 80% of casualty nurses and 64% of doctors believe the lunar cycle has a direct effect on their patients. Both hospitals and police departments tend to bring in extra staff members at certain points in the lunar cycle.

Even people afflicted with Bipolar/Manic Depression disorders tend to increase and decrease their manic cycles in accordance with the lunar cycle.


Crimes in general tend to rise at the full and new moons. It is a commonly recognized theory that moon phases elicit aggressive, even violent behaviors in some individuals.

Freud's perspective was that aggression is a basic psychological drive. Konrad Lorenz believed aggression is an innate biological function present in all animals, including man. In either case, aggression is considered a basic life function and, as such, is subject to biological rhythms. The moon has circa-monthly biorhythms that are thought to emulate our own.

Although aggression tends to increase during the new and full moons it can also have the opposite effect on a human being. Research shows all organisms show similar periodic increase/decrease in aggression at the full and new moons.

Cases of aggravated assaults tend to peak at the full moon and shortly before the new moon. While crimes of violence against others peaks around the full moon and again at times clustered near the new moon. Suicides rise near the new moon but cases of self-poisonings, a distinctive type of suicide, rises at the full moon. Still calls to suicide prevention/crisis lines are high at the new moon and first quarter moon. Arson attacks double at the full moon. It also increases during drops in atmospheric pressure. Passengers on aircraft tend to be harder to handle at the full moon. Drinking also rises at the start and end of the lunar cycle. There are reports of more DUIs, crashes, and hangovers at this time.

At the University of Miami, psychologist Arnold Lieber and his colleagues decided to test the old belief of full-moon "lunacy" which most scientists had written off as an old wives’ tale. The researchers collected data on homicides in Dade County (Miami) over a period of 15 years — 1,887 murders, to be exact. When they matched the incidence of homicide with the phases of the moon, they found that the two rose and fell together for the entire 15 years. As the full or the new moon approached, the murder rate rose sharply; it distinctly declined during the first and last quarters of the moon.

The American Institute of Medical Climatology presented a report to the Philadelphia Police Department entitled "The Effect of the Full Moon on Human Behavior" that found similar results as Lieber and his colleagues. That report showed that the full moon marks a monthly peak in various kinds of psychotically oriented crimes such as murder, arson, dangerous driving, and kleptomania.

Murders, especially motiveless ones, tend to occur on and around the full moon. Studies show that the peak seems to occur 24 hours after the full moon itself.

Some notable murder cases have been tied to the lunar phases. Of the eight murders committed by New York's infamous "Son of Sam", David Berkowitz, five were during a full moon. The Heavens Gate cult, although known for waiting to ride a comet they thought to be a UFO to another planet, aligned their actions with the lunar cycle. Charles Manson led his followers to worship and act in relation to the lunar cycle. Even Bonnie and Clyde unknowingly followed a lunar pattern while robbing banks. Adolf Hitler who was known for following the advice of psychics and astrologers planned around the lunar cycles. More notable then that a series of chilling murders by Charles Hyde in the late 1880s, the inspiration for Robert Louis Stevenson's Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, were committed under a full moon. Also the Zodiac killer, known to have killed eight women and has claimed to have killed up to thirty, killed in accordance to lunar cycles. He has never been caught.


Schools and other large agencies have procedures referred to as "Code E". They have designed these procedures to deal with predicted events such as probable race riots, terrorist attacks, natural disasters, and school shootings. Just think of how helpful the lunar cycles could be in predicting events over which we have no control. At this time few educators consult climatological data and there is no systematic approach developed to deliver the data to those who may use it. Remember though that studies of meteorological conditions and students behavior has been significant. Weather has been found to effect student's endurance and sense of calm in class.

There have been extraordinary amounts of proven data showing the connection between physiological and pathological manifestations that biometerologits have established to be weather-bound symptoms. Two days before the full moon students exude bad behavior. Behavior problems in school have also been linked to factors such as high winds, high temperatures, high humidity, and low pressure. At times of high pressure teachers involved in research studies agree that student behavior is good. Pressure has also been linked to memory.

A study of 606 corporal punishment cases from 1883 to 1887 showed that the behavioral problems resulting in the punishment occurred at abnormal times of barometric pressure. Although atmospheric pressure seems to be only one of many factors it is appears to be the main one.

Direct Effects

As you become aware of the Moon's influence in your life, you will begin to notice that your moods and emotions are closely connected to its placement and phase. You will also see that you can time your activities for maximum success by working when the Moon's energies are favorable to your intention. This awareness can help you better deal with the energy changes in your life, and move you into action instead of reaction.

Many gardeners still work to the phases of the Moon, believing that it is best to sow seeds and transplant seedlings only with a waxing, never a waning moon. The Old Farmer's Almanac says: "Plant flowers and vegetables during the height of the Moon." The theory is said to take advantage of gravity, light and magnetism.

Practical economic use of the lunar cycle has been going on for a long time. In tropical rain forest countries in South America and Southeast Asia, where most of the world’s hardwood comes from, tree-harvesting contracts are linked to the phase of the moon. The trees are only cut down on a waning moon, as near to the new moon as feasible. This is because on a waxing or full moon, the sap rises in the trees and extensive sap bleeding attracts hordes of deathwatch beetles, which will devastate a crop. Awareness of this cycle means the difference between making or losing millions of dollars every year.

Because of the strong link between frost and the lunar cycle many people trade commodity stocks in accordance to the lunar cycle.

One future use for the monthly lunar cycle may be in choosing the timing and gender of babies. Curtis Jackson, controller of Southern California Methodist Hospital, reports that more babies are conceived on the waxing moon than on the waning. He quantified 11,025 births over a period of six years and found that nearly 1,000 more children were conceived during the waxing moon. Apparently, successful conception is easier at that time.

More interesting are the results of German researcher W. Buehler. In an analysis of 33,000 births Dr. Buehler found that there was a significant preponderance of male births during the waxing moon. This knowledge, combined with medical techniques known to affect fertility and sex, may well help people in planning for their children.

It is thought that the lunar cycle directly effects the formation of tropical hurricanes. You might want to check your lunar calendars when planning your next vacation.

Some interesting facts:

Although research has not been able to link a correlation between property damage/non-fatal injuries and the lunar cycle it has been proven that this type of crime is more likely to happen on a Friday or Saturday.

Also traffic accidents are most likely to happen in the summer and on weekends.

Computer programs used to formulate horoscopes are based on a predictive program that takes a persons zodiac sign and compares it to lunar cycles to try to predict the outcome the person will most likely have for that day.

There are eight types of moons and according to astrology each signifies a different effect you should try to follow in your life.

  1. The new moon is a time to rest.
  2. The waxing crescent moon is a time for contemplation.
  3. The first quarter moon is a time to solidify plans and work on reaching your goals.
  4. The waxing gibbons moon is a time that your energy should be up and you should have a lot of fun.
  5. The full moon is a time when many feel scattered and unorganized.
  6. The waning gibbons moon is a time for appreciation.
  7. The waning second quarter moon is a time for inward evaluation.
  8. The waning crescent moon is a time to get in touch with inner self and spirituality.

It is important to remember that while each person is an unique individual we do all occupy the same planet and are subject to the same influences of climatological factors.

If we can learn to read the signs and come to accept the predictions the lunar effect gives us we could use this information to improve our lives on a personal as well as a worldly level. Whether you believe or disbelieve the theory of lunar effects on the human psyche I hope that you learned something new about the theory today that you can take with you.

Thank you very much for your time and remember to lock your doors on the next full moon.

Thank you.


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