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Luna_Vex Learning The Wiccan Way
Saturday, 22 May 2004
By the way
All these entrys that I blog, are strictly my opinion, they're not gospel, (I know, I know, they probably wont even be spelled well). They're not anyones ideas but mine. I'll credit what brought about my thoughts e/books, conversations, songs, Chicago records played backwards, what ever inspired me, I'll mention. Hit me back if there's a source you feel needs some credit and I'll add it too. Bottom line; This is just my interpertations. Sort of like thinking out loud, except the only sound is the endless clicking of this keyboard and sighs of frusteration when I lose my train of thought.

Posted by moon/luna__vex at 4:06 PM MDT
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On Change
(From The unknown Author of "All One Wicca" Aka: "Book 1 of Wicca" Self proclamed e-book on UEW)
"In order to undrestand the changes in wicca we must make the realization that no one was born without the ability to contribute to humanity."
This speaks of the inertia of change- the unending movement of the cosmos- on everythings ability to affect it. This Chapter goes on to warn us of resistance to change and the downfall it causes.
It is my beleif that change should be taken only in measure. It takes insight and forethought to make such a choice. The Religion/Faith-The Life Style that is Wicca is precious. A part of One just as much as a limb, yet grows over time, it becomes ones heart and lungs, and very soul. And eventually it becomes hard to imagine life without Wicca. For these reasons I do not beleive when one says "Oh this is true" another must jump. Why must one change that which does not need changing? Being open to change, and accepting it in others is one thing, but takeing change upone ones self and ones Trad is a whole other. Accepting change is common sence. Assimilating it is ones desire.

Posted by moon/luna__vex at 3:51 PM MDT
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