*~*~*Aaron's pov*~*~*

We all woke up Em. Well all, but Leighannge, Kirsten and Lola. They were up to something. They were gonna do something to Em. I knew better then to get involved. Then I would have to do something that would make me wanna die. I was walking out of her room with Nick when I heard Em call for me. I made sure they were gone when I went back into the room. She shut the door and I pulled her close. I gave her a birthday kiss for her boyfriend. A nice lingering kiss. We pulled away and she smiled at me. A shy smile. She had been doing that a lot more latly. She looked so cute when she did that. She looked up at me and smiled.

"You should get down there before Nick comes looking." She sighed.
"What if I don't wanna go?" I asked.
"You wanna deal with Kevin?" She laughed. I thought about and shook my head no. She laughed again and kissed me again. I pulled away and grined at her.
"You keep that up and I won't ever leave." I laughed.
"Oh why is that?" She asled.
"We will save that for a later time. For now. i am going to go find out what the guys are gonna make me do today." I said as I walked out her door. I hated leaving her side. I was happy around her. She made me happy. I liked being around her. I went to the living to help set up for her party.

~*~*~Emily's pov ~*~*~

I danced around my room a bit while I tried to find something to wear. My life was going great. I had a great family and a great boyfriend. Ok not great...a wonderful, loving boyfriend. I was trying to pick something when Lola, Kirs, and Leigh came in. They were hidding something.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked while I was pawing through my clothes.
"So what are you going to wear?" Kris asked.
"I have no clue. I knwo that Kev and Bri planned something. I have no idea what. So I have no idea what to wear." I said as I sighed.
"Try this." Lola said as they reveled a box. I turned around and held the box.
I sat on my bed and opened the box. I let out a gasp. It was a dress that I had seen at the mall one day when I was out with Lola. She must have gotten it for me or told Leigh and Kris. It was a blue jean Ferris skirt with frayed strips on it as well as harley top. It was perfect. I knew I had wanted to get it when I had the time to go to the mall again. I looked at them and smiled. I gave them each a hug and went to put the outfit. I walked out and smiled at them.

"Thank you so much!" I smiled.
"Ths skirt and top are from Kris and I. Lola has something else for you." Leigh said.
"Now I know you have shoes and braclets and stuff, but I saw these and had to get them for you." She said as she handed me two boxes. I opened the small one and saw a Ying-Yang bracelet. I had been looking for one for a long time. I smiled at her as I put it on. I opened the other box and found a pair of black leather patchwork boots. I let out a sqeek as I pulled them on I huged each of them again and we all went to the livingroom. As I walked down the guys stopped working and did a double take. Aaron almost fell when he saw me. I bite my lip to keep from laughing at him. I got a lot of hugs as they led me outside.

They had all gotten me something. The girls had given me their gifts already. I sat there and was worried. I had no idea what to expect from them. Howie gave me a $100 gift card to Hot Topic. I was happy. I could get the hair dye I wanted. AJ gave me a $100 gift card to Borders book store. I could go and get some new books. Nick gave me a few Journey CDs. I had told him I liked their music as much as he did. Aaron gave me a new portable CD player. I thanked them all then Kevin adn Brian stood up.

"Ok you gotta come out front to the drive way for this. It was just dropped off." Brian said.
"Uh ok." I said as we all went out front. I gasped when I saw a deep green VW Bug in the drive way.
"For you." he said.
"No way! Your screwing me!" I said.
"Guys would I mess with her?" He asked. They all said yes. "What do you all knoew! It is for you. Enjoy." He said as he hugged me. I was in awe. I had my first car. I was so happy.
"Ok now you got a job and a car. All you need now is this." Kevin said as he held out an envolpe. I opened it and screamed. He had gotten me a condo in Tampa. It was close to wear I worked. It was a 3 bedroom 3 bath. I showed Lola and we screamed.
"Ok! No more screaming please!" Nick laughed. We glared at him and went on jumping and being happy. We both hugged Kevin and the tree of us fell to the floor. They all went inside and I was checking out my car. Aaron stayed outside to look at it.
"Nice car." He smiled.
"Thanks for the CD player bunny." I smiled.
"Not a problem. I got you something else only it's at my place." He smiled.
"I can't come over tonight. Brian would be hurt." I said.
"I know. Ment tomrrow night." He laughed. We went inside and heard it was time to eat.