*~*~*Aaron's pov*~*~*

I kissed her. It was better then I thought it would be. I mean since I met her she is all I can think of. I mean It is rare that you find that person that stays on your mind all the time. I just hope she don't slap me! That would kinda suck.

"What was that?" She asked with a look of confusion on her face.
"I think I kissed you." I replied.
"Oh....Doesn't that come after the date?" She wondered.
"Not always. I mean sometimes people kiss before they date. Others after. Then some people kiss before and....."I was cut off by her kissing me. That took me by surprise. She pulled away and looked at me.
"You were talking too much." She said.
"Well I must remember to talk more if I want another kiss." I smiled.
"Maybe." She said as she got up and went to go to her car. Well Brian's I think.
"What does that mean?" I questioned.
"Well...if you want a kiss you have to ask or wait till I give you one." She smirked. Does Brian know his cousin is flirty? If he doesn't then lord help me!
"Can I get a kiss?" I asked as I pouted.
"Hmmm does the boy get a kiss or does the girl leave and wait for him to call her cell to find out where to...." I kissed her to quiet her. She pulled away and smiled. She handed me a slip of paper.
"You cell number?" I asked.
"No your cell number." She laughed.
"Why do I need mine?" I asked, not guite getting the joke I guess.
"Your too cute. It is my number. Call me so I know when to meet you and all that. Or you can text me. I'll talk to you later." She said as she got into the truck. I smiled at her and watched her driver off.

~*~*~Emily''s pov~*~*~

Somthing told me this was a bad idea that I should just tell Brian, but the idea of having a secret boyfriend was cool. I liked it. I just got my first kiss! I liked it. I really did. I always thought it spreed grems ad crap. Not anymore. I like it! I really did. I couldn't wait to talk to him. I went back to Brian's and was just gonna tell him I had a date and I was going to meet him at the movies. It wasn't a real lie. Just a fib. A little tiny fin. I just kept saying that the whoe way home.
I went inside once I got home and went to my room. I didn't even see Nick and AJ in the livingroom. I went to my room and pulled out my phone. He had left me a message.

"Meet me at 630 at the strip." Was what he sent. I giggled and sent back to him.
"What about your brother and all that." I sat at my computer and waited for him to text me back. I was reading my emails when I got the note.
"He is at Brians He will be gone until about 8 so you can meet me at 6." I smile and replied.
"And tell Brian what I am meeting my date for food." I asked.
"Yeah People do eat on dates." he replied.
"Ok Ill go tell him. Text me in a bit." I said as I waited for his reply.
"Ok." Then I went to tell Brian.

I walked into the livingroom and smiled at Nick and AJ. I looked at Brian and looked at Lola. She was all gaga over AJ. I laughed and she looked at me. She jumped up and grabbed my arm. Leaving 3 stunned guys.

"Your a freak let go of me!" I laughed as she pulled me to her room.
"Ok spill. Who did you kiss?" She asked.
"No one."I looked at the bedspread becasue it was more interesting then the converstion.
"You liar! I can tell. Your lips are red!" She laughed. I ran to her mirror and she was right.
"I just need to put some lipbalm on. They are chapped." I tried to get out it. She wouldn't let me.
"It was Aaron huh?" She asked. Here is what I don't get. If she knew why ask!
"What if it was?" I asked.
"You did! Wow!" She laughed.
"I need to go talk to Brian. You stay here Miss Nosey!" I laughed as I went to talk to Brian.