~*~*~Emily's pov~*~*~

Brian, Leighanne, Lola and myself left his house around 7:30 pm for dinner. Bri had told me that dinner was at 8 pm. I laughed. I knew how Kevin was. He hated it when anyone was late. Knowing him he would already be at the resturaunt. I sat behind Brian and was talking to Lola in a hushed voice about Aaron. She was conviced he was someone I knew he couldn't be.

"Think about it, he looks just like him. I bet he has a big family and is rich." She whispered.
"Look I could care less if he was rich or not. He is a nice guy and I am gonna call him soon to find out when we can get the tour." I hushsed her.
"I think I may go job hunting the day you set up your tour." She smirked.
"We are here ladies." Brian said as we pulled up. I got out and smoothed my dress.

As we walked in I thought I saw Aaron. I brushed it off and followed Brian. We were seated and we were waiting for Kevin now. That was not normal for us. We useally had him waiting. That or he was at the bar. Then again anything can happen with my family. You see my family is not just like immediate family. I have extra. Lucky me. I got 3 more cousin like guys. I had not really met them so I don't count them that much. I know it's mean, but when you never really meet someone how can you count them as family? Well to Kevin and Brian they are brothers, therefore I have to meet them I think they were Nick, AJ and Howie. I had heard things about them. Only something told me my dear sweet cousin had set me up to meet everyone that night.
I was sitting at the table playing with a breadstick when Kevin and Kirsten showed up. I looked up and jumped out of my seat. I went over to Kevin and hugged him tight.

"Boo! I missed you so much!" I laughed as I hugged him.
"I could tell short stuff." I pulled back and looked at him. "Well I don't think that name works anymore. You've grown quite a bit."
"What is with my cousin's and the fact they state the already known facts?" I laughed as I turned to Kristen. She held her hand out and I shook it.
"It is a pleasure to meet you Emily." She smiled.
"As it is nice to meet you. Kev, Kristen this is my best friend, Lola Sanders. She is gonna be my roomate once we get a place of our own and everything." I said as I sat down. Lola shook their hands and sat down. As she did 4 more chairs were brought over.
"Ok, what did you two do?" I asked looking from Brian to Kevin.
"Well, it was Kevin's idea." Brian blerted out.
"Was not!" Kevin laughed.
"Am I meeting the rest of the guys?" I asked while watching them take sudden notice to their napkins. "Kevin come on, you better tell me!"
"Yes. We are having Nick and his girlfriend come. ALong with AJ and D. We wanted you to meet them." Brian spoke up.
"So you thought rather then telling me you would shock me? You two shold know better by now. You can't shock me." I said before I saw who had walked in. I was at a loss of words.

*~*~*Aaron's pov*~*~*

I was sitting in my car on the way to dinner. A dinner I really didn't feel like going to. The only reason I was going is because my brother's girlfriend backed out at the last minuet. Then he used the,"But your my baby bro and I love you. Besides if you go we can go out on the boat later this week." So you guessed it. I said yes. So now I am on my way to meet Kevin and Brian's cousin. Why would I want to meet a girl when I had a girl in mind. Yes I mean the girl I bumped into. That was my fault and I was going to make it up to her. Giving her a tour around Florida was just a start. I pulled into the lot and waitied for my brother. He was late. There was a shock. Well I mean I love him and all, but he is always late. A few times he has been known to be early, but he is known more for his singing and being late. He pulled in at 8:20 and we went inside.

"What took you so long? We left the same time." I asked.
"Uh....." Was all he could say.
"Nevermind, I don't wanna know! Forget I asked!" I laughed when I looked at his face. He had a look of sheer embaressment on his face. It was too funny. You know how they say a Kodak moment? This was one for the books! We got to the table and I about fell over. It was her. The girl from the strip. She looked different. She had on a pale green dress and her hair was up. I was more into her eyes. She had these mystic eyes that you can get lost in. Nick hit me upside the head when I didn't hear him. He pulled me to the side to talk to me.

"I know that look. No." He said.
"What look? No what?" I asked, I had no clue what he was talking about.
"The one with green dress is thier cousin. You do not ask her out or anything." Nick said. I rolled my eyes and went to sit down. I sat right across from her a smiled. Then came the intorductions.
"Em this is Nick Carter and his brother Aaron." Brian stated as he pointed to me. Yeah like I could be Nick. I mean I know I look like him, but give me a break!
"Pleased to meet you Nick. Pleased to meet you as well Aaron." She said as she looked at me strange.
"Not as pleased as we are. All Brian has been talking about was, Emily this and Emily that." Nick said.
"Pleased to meet you as well Emily." I said after the shock wore off and Nick kicked my shin. I was gonna have to talk to him about that later! It hurts like hell! Soon AJ and Howie showed up and the rest went along....rather slowly. Other then how strange it was that I was hitting on Bri's cousin.