*~*~*Aaron's pov*~*~*

I waited 4 days on the advice from Lola. I tried to explaine to Em that the girl was my cousin. She yelled at me and told me I was lying. She saw how she was all over me. Em wouldn't listen. She kept saying how she didn't think she could trust me any more. After she said that she started to cry. It hurt me so much to hear her cry and know it is my fault. I should have been looking for her at the party. Only I was too busy talking to Ronnie. Shortly after she started to cry she said what I was hoping she wouldn't.

"Aaron I am sorry. I can't be with someone I can't trust. I am sorry, it's over." She sobbed.
"Can't we try? Baby, you are the only one I want. It's you that I want. I have all I need with you." I pleaded.
"I'm sorry Aaron. It's over." She said then hung up.

That was it. She ended it. She had just left me. She no longer wanted to be my girlfriend. She wouldn't let me try to get her back. I felt like my heart had been ripped out. I hung my phone and sat on my couch, where I was 3 weeks later when Nick stopped by to see me.
"Dude! You stink!" He said. I was going to flip him the bird, but I didn't have the energy.
"What do you want? To gloat your still with Nay?" I spat.
"She dumped you?" He asked shocked.
"Yes. I loved her man! I still do. If she loved me she wouldn't have thought I would cheat on her!" I stated.
"Dude maybe she loved you too much to think otherwise." Nick said.