~*~*~Emily's pov~*~*~

As I stepped of the plane I let out a sigh. I was nervous. I didn't get why I was so nervous. He was my cousin. My cousin I had not seen in 9 years. I felt all weird. The last time he saw me I wasshot and kinda cubby. Now I was kinda tall and thin. I had long brown hair with natual blonde highlights. I pulled out my hand mirror to make sure I looked ok. I looked at my friend and she laughed at me.

"Ok dude, you look fine. I am sure Brian aint gonna care how you look. I mean hell you his cousin!" My best friend Lola said. I looked at her and back in my mirror. I wished that Brian wouldn't freak when he saw me.
"You don't get it Lo, I aint seen him in 9 years! I have only seen him in the mags or on tv. I mean it aint the same. I mean I nervous. I may see Kevin as well. I just aint up for that yet. I mean hell one cousin is good for now!" I laughed as I put away my mirror away and went to get my bags.

We hailed a cab and went to see my cousin. I sat in the cab and thought about him. I was lost in my own world when we pulled up to the house. We walked up top the door after we paid and I saw my cousin. I hugged him hard. He was taken back by me. I had grown up so much. He lead us in and we talked for a while. He showed us around the house and to our rooms. I sat on thebed in my room and Brian came in.

"I am sorry I never got a chance to see you. I mean everything just took off." He explained.
"Bri it's fine. I mean i knew why you never got to see me. It wasn't that bad. I mean I missed you but I mean we got the gifts and everything. I am not mad." I smiled.
"You are so grown up. I mean wow. Wait till Kevin see's you. He is gonna flip. Your not the shy little girl we left are you?" He asked.
"No. I just haven't dated is the only thing that hasn't changed." I confessed as I looked to the floor.
"Don't worry about it. I bet you'll meet someone out here. Why don't you and Lola go to the strip and hang out. See some of the shops and stuff. You can use the truck." Brian said.
"Are you trying to kick me out already?" I teased.
"Nah. You don't have to go. I men I thought you would like to check out the sites a bit. We were going to go out to dinner to welcome you. So you can have this day to get use to the town." Brian said as he too out the keys to the trusk. He handed them to me and I smiled.
"Ok. I'll be back in by 8." I said as I kissed his cheek. I went and got Lola and we left. We went top the strip.

*~*~*Aaron's pov*~*~*

I looked around my house and sighed. I really didn' feel like sitting around all day. I thought about calling Nick to see if he wanted to play some ball but he was out with his girlfriend. I need to get out more. I hadn't had a date in too damn long! And that says a lot. I got up and hopped in my car and took off for the strip. Maybe I could find something to buy or run into a friend. I went to a few stores and got a few CDs. I stopped to get a soda when I bumped into this really beautiful girl. She looked to be about 17 or 18. She had brown hair with blonde streaks in it. They look natural. She looked at me and I was at a loss. Her eyes were even more beautiful then her herself. They were a kinda grayish/blue/green. She was beautiful. She had little to no make-up on and was just breathtaking.

"I am so sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going!" I said non-stop. She looked at me and smiled.
"That's alright. I'm Emily and this is my friend Lola." She smiled, her smile was just as beatiful as she was.
"I'm Aaron. I am so sorry. I need to watch where I am going. I am a klutz!" I laughed. She smiled at me and began to leave. I went after her to talk to her.
"So uh you live around here?" She asked.
"Yeah I live a little ways away. What about you? You live around here?" I asked.
"Lola and I just felw in today. We're staying with my cousin until we can get a place of our own." She said with that smile.
"Well I have to go, but if you wanna talk or get a tour of Tampa and Orlando and all that you can give me a call." I said as I wrote down my cell and home numbers.
"I may take you up on that Aaron. See you around." She said as she slipped my numbers in her purse.

~*~*~Emily's pov~*~*~

I swear I must have new luck! I mean hell this tall blonde nearly knocks me on my ass and won't stop saying he is sorry. He was tall with blonde hair and chocolate brown eyes as well as a killer smile! I knew he was one of a kind. I just wished I didn't have to leave. Before Lola and I left he gave me his number. I guess he didn't want me to forget him! Heehee I think I am gonna enjoy Florida!
We got back to Brian's with a half hour to spare. I went to my room and dug around for my cell phone and charger. I wanted to charge it. I began to put my things away as Lola came in.

"You know who that guy looked like?" She asked.
"Don't even go there! I know who he looked like. I do not think it was him. If it were why would he give me a look or his numbers?" I asked.
"Girl you think your so horrible looking. You were one of the hottest and most popular girls at our school! Yet you never dated! Look your not fat and you sure as hell are not ugly." She stated as Brian walked by. I went on hanging up my things. He popped his head in and smiled.
"We are gonne leave in about an hour if you wanna get a shower or anything." He said as I rolled my eyes. Always the brother type. That was the thing with Brian. He was more like a brother to me then a cousin. Yet with Kevin he was more dad like. "Oh Kevin and Kristen are gonna join us." He added as he left.

I sighed and went about getting ready. I looked around my new room and sighed. It was so big. It had a walk in closet and a small TV room. I also had my own bathroom. My room was green with hints of blue, white and purple. It was perfect. I saw I had a desk and I set up my laptop. I wanted to have it set up incase I needed it for anything. Like I would. I went into my bathroom and put out the make up things I used. Which was very little. I turned on my shower and picked out a pair of low rise blue jeans that were boot cut and a green peasent top. I went and got ready.