9-01-03I havent done much to the site today!!!I have been helping my cousin move and getting ready to move myself so I havent been able to be on the computer much!!!! I am gonna have to make my update short and to the point!!!! Theres nothing new on the site (which isnt going very well at the moment) I need to convinse my parents to let me register a domain but thats gonna take some time maybe I will ask for that as a Christmas present or something(a girl can dream) Well hey got to work on this thing for school see yas later.
8-30-03Today well today was a day!!! Theres no words to decribe it!!! except for HOLY SHIZ WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED???First of all were walking the dog and what the luck its starts pouring down rain on us!!!So being as we are just kids (correction teenagers lol) We ran through the puddles and just had a good time the dog was soaked we were soaked but it was fun. But.....(betcha knew theree was a but to this story) WE werent aloud inside because we were to wet and muddy so we waited and waited and finally got to go back inside and once we had gotten clean dry clothes on the sun starts to shine as bright as ever!!!!! OF ALL THE LUCK I think I am jinxed!!!! I need to go take a break c ya.

9-01-03ITS SEPTEMBER!!!!! Oh yes!!! I am so happy September is my favorite month its warm but not to warm cool but not to cool its just perfect in my opinion!!! I did absolutley nothing today!!!! (I have to do all my stupid algebra and geography hmwrk tomorrow grr) I am in a great mood right now *DOES A HAPPY DANCE* nothing and I mean nothing can get me down right now!!!!!! Well off to have some fun I am getting sick of redoing all the stuff on the site (steph will be mad at the lil bit I accomplished when I was supposed to do alot) BYES
8-31-03I made a layout I made a layout I made a layout hey hey hey hey!!!! lol At least I am in a good mood!!! Stephs already told u the story (I think its quite funny but she thinks otherwise) Well I have nothing to say........ I have Algebra home work!!! HOW FUN maybe I will just bore u with a few of the problems I am having to do (its all review hehe simple lil junk)/=divide(just so ya know lol)
oooooooo can u get any funner???? (of coarse playing with leaches would be funner o excuse me I mean more fun not funner *heck I'm not in language class I can talk however the heck I want*)

The Layout
I MADE A LAYOUT ME JESSY MADE A LAYOUT!!!!! I am soooooo happy!!!Its a pic I just stumbled upon and I think it all just fits together quite well!! Soooo Here it is I hope you all like it and there will be new one next month(and I , ME might actually get to make it again!!!!!!!OH I am so proud of myself!!!)

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