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Loiosh, The Butterfly Warrior

Loiosh is a strange woman, dubed the Butterfly Warrior because of the tatto just below her belly button. She is half-elf with just a hint of fey from her human side, and this gives her a somewhat mad look in her eyes at some times. Her brown thick brown hair she uses to conceal her ears from sight, so that none may know her true nature unless she wishes them to. Sitting alone she hope for companionship, but never really expects to find it because of the maddness that many see in her eyes. So she shall remain sitting alone for the rest of her life with no friends. Nor will she have family surrounding her. The reason she became a fighter is because of the war in her homeland where most of her people died. So she doesn't even have family to turn to. She is an outcast, and seems rather proud of it, for the most part that is.