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we needed a government

we made a government

we got fucked by the government

Now, before all the nationalists out there start condemning me for this I wanted to say I am no anti-american, I am just here to spread the word about some things our government is doing behind close doors so that maybe one day we can change it

During a White House press conference--in which Bush argues that his adminsitration is making progress in Iraq despite the escalating violence in Baghdad--he makes several false or misleading statements.

* When he is asked about the large "Mission Accomplished" banner that hung on the USS Abraham Lincoln during his triumphant May 1 speech aboard the aircraft carrier, Bush suggests the crew of the ship--not White House staff--had been responsible for the sign's appearance. Subsequent news reports disclose the banner was produced by the White House.

* When a reporter notes that a recent donors' conference only produced $13 billion in pledges for reconstruction in Iraq--leaving a $23 billion shortfall--Bush says, "Iraqi oil revenues...coupled with private investments should make up the difference." Yet L. Paul Bremer, the head of the U.S. occupation authority in Iraq, has said that in the near-term oil industry revenues will cover only the industry's own costs. That is, there will be no oil revenues available to pay for reconstruction.

* Bush says of the war, "We took action based upon good, solid intelligence." To date, the House intelligence committee (which is led by a Republican), the GOP chairman of the Senate intelligence committee, chief WMD hunter David Kay, and Richard Kerr, a former deputy CIA chief, have each said that their reviews of the prewar intelligence on Iraq's WMDs and the supposed connection between Saddam Hussein and al Qaeda showed that the prewar intelligence was circumstantial, inferential, fragmentary, and full of uncertainties. They have not pronounced the prewar intelligence either "good" or "solid."

* Bush claims, "I was the first president ever to have advocated a Palestinian state." On January 7, 2001, President Bill Clinton said, "There can be no genuine resolution to the [Middle East] conflict without a sovereign, viable Palestinian state that accomodates Israel's security requirements and demographic realities."

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