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Liquid Chaos!!

Welcome to liquid chaos! This is my Ragnarok Online site where I list my screen shots....*crickets* O.o; (It should pop up on paint..)

A Mandragora (freaky, but they're no problem =)

A Dead Mandragora >=) (Hmmmmm...I wonder what happened?)

MAGNUM BREAK !! Hey, those little %&#@ theif bugs get annoying when they gang up -_-

*evil grin* Once there was a poring named Dubob. One day, he saw some spooky looking bushes, but didn't DARE to go in. But then something came over him. He saw a silver metal type thing in the bushes, and someone had used Provoke on him! This made him very mad. So he rushed in and....he never came out >=)

Pest problem! These things often like to appear in groups. So if you attack one, A BUNCH start attacking you =(

Pest Problem 2. Ok Ummm.....are these things half rabbit!??!?!!?

Pest Problem 3. OK SERIOUSLY CUT IT OUT! (Hehe...that guy is so dead *grIN*. But I'm not gett'n involved in that! =O)

I died...>=( I have no clue what killed me in that picture....but I don't look too happy ^^;

DIE ROCKER! (Awww I broke it =( )

WEEEEE I'M A PIONEER! Yeah..... <---baka

Sewer Errr....the sewer...not the exact clean place you can think of?

Walk the Plank, Or die! OWW! Why you little *slash*

OH NO! WE'VE GOT INDIANS! *evil grin*
