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NiCe 'N' SiMpLe...

NiCe 'n' SwEeT - By: LiLsweetieasian2

I doNt need nomore tears
To Waste my life running away from my fears
Now that you're here

I dOnt neEd dA moNey
I dOnt wAnt no taSty HoNey
LoVe iS fRoM dA hEaRt
NoT sUmMtHin' tHat ya HaVe tO bUy

nIcE 'n' SwEet
AlWaYs mAi TrEat
bTwEen u 'n' mE
Is iT mEaNt 2 bE?

SeAL wItH mAi KiSses
nO mOre SeCrEts n nO mOrE hiSseS
CaUsE i FiNaLLy FouNd you
anD Ill aLwAys lOvE u 2...<3
