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This topic of life and death in literature leads us to an insightful novel by Robert Dessaix who explores these issues through a dying protagonist. This is called Night Letters and shown below.

The epistolatory novel takes place in Venice where he searches for paradise and an understanding of life and death. Through the people he meets and his experiences, readers watch as the protagonist learned to be with "true exultation". We chose this novel as part of our selection because it reveals some of the interesting issues about society that have been discussed on our message boards and this is evident in one of the letters: 10th April.

The letter that will be used as an example to focus on on this page is April 10th of Dessaix's Night Letters. Morality, sexuality, purity and Venetian life is evident in this chapter where Professor Eschenbaum explains his perception of Venice as a contradiction in itself and the virtuousness of Venice. He leads on to use a story to illustrate his concept of a young Italian woman living a questionable lifestyle luring desirable wealthy men to survive in the mean streets of Venice. Donna Schamozzi, mother to young and beautiful Camilla attempted to create a better, more comfortable and safe life for her daughter by luring a desirable man to provide protection and financial support. This man was Lorenzo Cordellini, a respected wife and father of 2.

In this letter, I have made quite a few observations from a reader's and critic's point of view and would like to mention some of them as well as the relevant points that relate to the theme of life and death. For April 10th, Robert Dessaix shows how he successfully uses stories and people to express his own opinions and views on life, sexuality and mortality.

In this chapter, Robert Dessaix makes many references to the well known names and explorers of the world such as Marco Polo and Casanova. He does this throughout his novel and Dessaix uses this, I believe, to use as examples to reflect or contrast to today's society. In this letter, he uses it to link or lead into his opinion of Venice and then Professor Eschenbaum's.
Notice can also be taken of the description of Doges' Palace with the world's culture marked in the different aspects from classical sculptures to Egyptian obelisks. This becomes the example of Venice as a hypocritical contradiction for Dessaix. The seemingly mixed Venice was divided as one could make it.

Please sumbit in your own reviews or comments about Dessaix's novel Night Letters or any feedback on this page. Thanks :)