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user : fdsa139
pet : DRAKE_52577
NP : 11,874

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Step 2 - Customise Your Neopet

Step 2 - Name your Neopet

Now you must choose the colour, gender and personality of your pet. This will shape how your pet interacts with the other pets in the land of Neopia. If you can't think of a name, simply click Randomise, and then Create Your Pet.

Note - now over 82.2 million pets have been created, so most pet names have been taken. If you have this problem, then try adding some numbers to the end (i.e., instead of fluffy try fluffy345).

Species Aisha
Neopet Name
(letters and numbers only, please)
Where does your Neopet like to live?
What does your Neopet like doing?
How does your Neopet greet others?

My New Aisha!

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