DISCLAIMER: If I owned Inu-Yasha, believe me, I wouldn’t be sinking this low

A/N: I can’t BELIEVE I’m doing this, I promised myself that I wouldn’t sink down to the Avril Lavigne music videos level, BUT after hearing this song 50,000,000 times and seeing how many people have decided to use this song for their Inu-Yasha purposes, I’ve decided to jump on the bandwagon.




He was a boy

Half screen: on the right side of the screen, profile of Inu-Yasha’s right side. He wears a backwards cap over his white hair

She was a girl

Half screen: Kikyou’s profile of her left side slides in from the left until the two "stand" back to back. Kikyou is wearing a sensible jumper

Can I make it any more obvious?

Pictures slide back to respective sides of the screen to reveal Kagome singing the last line and sitting on a park bench with a grey baggy tee, and some baggy dark jeans, she is also wearing a backwards cap

He was a punk

Kagome jerks a thumb to the right and cut to Inu-Yasha at a skate park. Both hands make the rock god symbol as he sticks out his tongue

She did ballet

Cut to Kikyou in her ballet class, standing at the barre and doing a plie


Cut back to Kagome on the bench

What more can I say?

Kagome holds her hands up and shrugs

He wanted her

Cut to Inu-Yasha in a cafeteria staring at Kikyou and her clique


She'd never tell secretly she wanted him as well

Kikyou’s friends are laughing and Kikyou turns around to smile gently at Inu-Yasha

But all of her friends

Stuck up their nose

Kagura, Yura, and Jakotsu stick up their noses and toss critical glares off screen

They had a problem with his baggy clothes

Camera follows their line of vision and pans to show Inu-Yasha sitting outside on the school steps talking with Miroku and wearing huge baggy clothes

He was a skater boy

Inu-Yasha holds a skateboard in one hand and extends the other to Kikyou in a half-assed attempt at "begging"

She said see you later boy

Kikyou walks away to join her friends and waves behind her

He wasn't good enough for her


Cut to Kagome standing on a stone fountain in the middle of the park singing:

She had a pretty face

Kagome cups her chin in her hands and bats her eyelashes mockingly

But her head was up in space

Kagome raises and arm over her head and points one finger skywards. She twirls her finger in the air

She needed to come back down to earth

Then she points the finger at the ground and makes a diving motion with that hand

Cut to Kagome sitting on a free hanging ledge, swinging her feet. She now wears a light blue fisherman’s cap. She sings:

Five years from now

Kagome holds out a hand showing all five fingers, as much a child would

She sits at home

Split screen: Right side- Kagome is pointing to the ground. Left side- close up of Kikyou

Feeding the baby she's all alone

Kikyou’s scene moves to the right, squishing out Kagome’s scene. Zoom out to show Kikyou feeding her sister: baby Kaede

She turns on t.v.

Kagome takes up the bottom half of the screen. Kagome pretends to turn on the t.v. Kikyou really does turn on the t.v.

Guess who she sees

Kagome holds up her hands to her shoulders and shrugs. Kikyou looks shocked.

Skater boy rockin’ up MTV

Kagome plays the air guitar as Kikyou’s t.v. shows Inu-Yasha playing live on MTV

She calls up her friends

Kagome makes a pretend phone with her thumb and pinky while Kikyou is one the cordless phone and talking excitedly

They already know
And they've all got
Tickets to see his show

Screen splits into four triangles: Kikyou, Kagura, Jakotsu and Yura. The latter three are seen holding tickets

She tags along

Kagura and Yura literally pull Kikyou into the venue

Stands in the crowd

Kikyou stands in the crowd looking awed

Looks up at the man that she turned down

Kagome’s scene takes up the left half of the screen and gives a thumbs down motion, slowly driving her thumb down. Right side of the screen shows Inu-Yasha on stage with his guitar

Cut to Inu-Yasha’s scene: Inu-Yasha on electric guitar, Kouga on electric bass, Miroku’s got drums. Kagome is on stage- light blue tight shirt, white tie with blue stars, black loose jeans and black fuzzy beanie. Disco lights are colourful and moving all across the stage. Kagome brings a mike up to her mouth and jumps up and down as she sings:

He was a skater boy
She said see you later boy

Kagome moves just her fingers at the crowd in a girlish wave

He wasn't good enough for her

Kagome shakes her head. She gestures to Inu-Yasha

Now he's a super star
Slamming on his guitar

Kagome plays the air guitar.

Does your pretty face see what he's worth?

Cut to Kikyou in the crowd and zoom in on her face until blurry, pull out revealing fuzzy screen, indicating memories

He was a skater boy
She said see you later boy

Kikyou dumping Inu-Yasha

He wasn't good enough for her

A dejected looking Yasha

Now he's a super star

Inu-Yasha is pictured in a magazine with his guitar in hand and band in the background

Slamming on his guitar

Picture comes to life as the band plays


Cut to Kikyou looking through a magazine showing Inu-Yasha on the cover

Does your pretty face see what he's worth?

**Musical interlude is split screen: Miroku twirls one stick in his hand and continues to play, bringing the other back down to join its twin on the drums. Kouga’s hands are shown plucking the bass strings and Inu-Yasha shifts his weight on his back foot and leans back as he plays his guitar. Kagome jumps around on stage like a squirrel on a sugar rush. At one point she steps up on a large speaker and makes a field goal with her arms, she does an isolated neck movement from side to side as Inu-Yasha picks out single strings, then jumps off again. She turns to the crowd and stares directly at Kikyou

Sorry girl but you missed out

Well tough luck that boy's mine now

Kagome jabs a thumb to her own chest and moves over to casually drape an arm over Inu-Yasha’s shoulders

We are more than just good friends

This is how the story ends

Kagome nods

Kagome then shakes her head and points at Kikyou

Too bad that you couldn't see,

See the man that boy could be

Kagome makes flexes her bicep in a very comical manner and Inu-Yasha tries hard to suppress a grin

There is more that meets the eye

Camera zooms in on Kagome’s eye

I see the soul that is inside

And zooms out on Inu-Yasha’s eye to cover the whole band

He's just a boy

Kagome and Inu-Yasha are sitting on a love seat. Kagome hits Inu-Yasha with a pillow and vainly pretends nothing happened

And I’m just a girl

Inu-Yasha retaliates with a pillow of his own

Can I make it any more obvious?

Kagome and Inu-Yasha are engaged in a full-fledged pillow fight

We are in love

Kagome and Inu-Yasha are chasing each other through the park on roller blades

Haven't you heard

Kagome and Inu-Yasha are standing together in bathing suits and holding hands. Inu-Yasha says something to Kagome who closes her eyes nods. She takes a deep breath, squeezes his hand before opening her eyes

How we rock each other’s world?

Kagome and Inu-Yasha jump and camera cuts back to show them free falling from a cliff about 100 ft from the water. The scene inverts the colours back and forth several times. The splash cues in Miroku to pick up the beat again.

I'm with the skater boy

Kagome watches Kouga, Inu-Yasha and Miroku show off at the skate park

I said see you later boy

Kagome looks down and it’s obvious that her pager went off. She waves at the boys and blows a kiss to Inu-Yasha

I'll be back stage after the show

Kagome is backstage in tight black pants and a pink baby tee, boogying backstage

I'll be at the studio

Kagome and the band are in the recording studio practicing. Kagome lift her head to the mike and sings:

Singing the song we wrote
About a girl you used to know

Cut back to the concert where Kagome is once again jumping around like a hyped up squirrel. She gestures to Inu-Yasha

Yeah, I'm with the skater boy

I said see you later boy

Kagome turns to Inu-Yasha and waves cutely

I'll be back stage after the show

Kagome jerks a thumb in the direction of backstage and starts heading that way as she finishes the song

I'll be at the studio
Singing the song we wrote


Kagome gives one last meaningful glance in Kikyou’s direction

About a girl you used to know

As soon as Inu-Yasha plays the last chord, he quickly puts his guitar in the stand and chases after Kagome. He catches up with her before she completely disappears backstage and wraps an arm around her waist, pulling her closer. The audience is treated to their passionate kiss.

Backstage, a kid with aqua eyes and sandy red hair, jumps up and down and accidentally sets off a sound effect that wails like an ambulance.

In the audience, Kikyou turns away and desperately pushes her way out of the crowd. Her friends will never know that she left and she can’t stand to see anymore…



That was actually fun! Probably one of the quickest ones I’ve done, too. No, I am not a Kikyou hater, I really don’t think she’s that bad (as the actual miko and not some homicidal earthen puppet). However, she’s an easy character to use and I honestly see the old girlfriend walking out, no matter who plays the part.

** The move Kagome did is from when I saw the Center Stage move it. As the main character is listening to her street rhythm music, she does that move under a bridge. I saw Kagome doing that to the interlude music, if you’ve seen the movie and heard the song…you probably understand when and how Kagome does that move.