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My Work

A Poem by Me!

Who I am

They ask me to write down

Who I am

And I think

And think

Very seriously

And consider

Writing down the truth

And have my answer read

I have the sun shinning in the sky as it falls

down to sleep. Barefoot and running down the

hill. The cold water freezes my feet as soon as

they touch. I look in the sand for shells, and

swat at the mosquitoes coming out for their


I sing along with the radio, why floating on a

raft. The Jamaican beat makes me want to dance. I

feel the warmth of the sun on my back.

I day dream of traveling, too far and near


The chocolate melts in my mouth as I dance, free

and wild. Singing loudly to make the sadness go

away. And to help me feel at ease.

They ask me to write down

Who I am

And I think

And Think

Very seriously

And consider

Writing down the truth

And have my answer read

Neighbors saying she is out playing. Draping the

blankets across the trees using my mom’s pruners

going to the field next to the woods cutting the

merry gold stalks.

Going to the stream fetching water in the

buckets. Taking it back to my fort and cooking

dinner for my fairy friends.

Dreading the bell as it rings. Teachers saying I

have to go out. Running to the tires on the

playground. Hiding in them until the bell rings

again. Listing to the kids laugh and play wishing

they would let me play with them. Crying in the

tire talking to my invisible friend.

Feeling anger toward a school for all the hell, it

put me through. Feeling anger toward its kids.

Being scared that some one was talking about me.

Being quiet as a mouse scared to look at any one.

Starting to believe in myself. Starting to not

care what anyone else thought. Being popular and

loving the attention.

Living by the moment.

Loving all of life.

Feeling secure and safe again.

Being able to go out with friends.

Having fun just reading a book.

Loving all the music, singing, and dancing when I

have a chance.

But I stop

And simply


I wrote this for my tribes 4 year anaversiry!


To be an Amazon

It means strength

It means Sisterhood

To be an Amazon

It means Loyalty

It means Support

To be an Amazon

It means confidence

It means Friend ship

Being an Amazon

It is an honor to call my self an Amazon.

For all the tribe gives me.

For all I give to the tribe.

I love all the Sisters, for being there to lean on.

This is a life time Choice.

I am forever glad I made it.

I am glad I met my sisters; they are truly my second Family.
