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Tae'nah Latrina

This is Latrina she is my Amazon Character! Below is her story!

The Life

As the moon rose and the campfire crackled, there was a heavy perfume of honeysuckle and the smell of fire on the air.

“If you girls will gather around the fire, please?” a woman with white blond hair declared. The girls chattered excitedly, they had been waiting all day for this moment. Their scout leader was a fabled storyteller. All their older sisters had told them about her. “Now Girl Scouts! For your first camping trip I present to you the story of a young woman…

“In ancient Greece there are tales of a race of warrior women. They lived in villages: no men allowed, only to help bring the second generations of Amazons. Amazons were not man-hating women they just preferred to live alone with out them. They were the first feminists. They believed a woman was strong enough to stand-alone. They were like sisters and referred to each other as such.”

“This story I tell you is of one of these women. This is her tale and all her tribulations are included.” The woman wove the words into the night air, and the scouts listened with all there might.


Latrina was always a tall girl; she had brown/black hair with deep blue eyes. She was never a thin little thing, but never a heavy girl either. She always maintained an average weight. Latrina either wore silk or tanned leather the color of mocha. She is never apart from her sword, whip and dagger. The dagger is hidden in her boot for safekeeping. The most important thing about Latrina's wardrobe would be her amulet, it is the Triquetra symbol. It has been passed through her family for generations; it represents the closeness between the Mother, Maiden, and Crone. It is also symbol for her family.

Latrina's mother was Queen Alana of the Sibyls, a tribe located on the Eastern coast of Greece. The Queen was endowed with the gift of prophecy, a gift from Apollo that gave her both blinding headaches and hints of the future.

The Sibyls looked to their Queen for guidance, but they also looked to her offspring to ensure the gift for future generations. To this end, the Queen was mated to a suitable man and produced Latrina. As it was not a marriage, but a coupling, the man returned to his own life shortly after, leaving Latrina to be raised by her mother.

The Queen spared her daughter no chore; in fact, she was made to work even harder than the rest. The Queen was pleased that her first born showed the talent of prophecy and helped her to develop her gift.

The Sibyls were not without inner strife, although her mother protected Latrina from it. Some feared the gift of prophecy, believing destiny was a choice, not fated by the God. One of these, a power-hungry woman named Rumor, spoke loudly against the Queen and her cursed offspring. She curried favor among many within the tribe, sowing discord and dividing the tribe between the two women. When she failed to gain enough support to overthrow the Queen in this fashion, she resorted to murder and killed Queen Alana.

More killings followed. Rumor had Latrina chained and brought to her. While the rightful heir watched, the woman executed those known to have been loyal to Queen Alana before her nineteen year old eyes. Blood stained her clothing as friend after friend had their throats cut a few feet away.

Finally a man stepped out of the crowd. Known through the tribe as a disreputable horse dealer, Bruta was the leader of a rough band of raiders called Nathral. Rugged and coarse, the group lived on the edges of society, providing services nobody else would want to provide. In return, they were given gold, supplies, and women.

"As I promised, Bruta. She's all yours. That face and body of hers will fetch you a good price in the brothels."

Bruta licked his lips and accepted the leash-like chain attached to Latrina's neck. He yanked the girl to him and smelled her hair, running a calloused hand down her unblemished cheek.

"A fair trade," he said, desire in his voice. "The horses are already in your stables. Please enjoy them, as I will enjoy this payment."

He dragged Latrina through the camp to the delighted cheers of Rumor's followers. They sneered at her as she was thrown up on the back of a chocolate horse with a blonde mane. One among the crowd threw a rock that landed on the flanks of the animal and spooked it enough to allow it to escape its tie, and Latrina's bondage, to Bruta. The animal and its burden raced off into the night.

She went many days until she found a stranger willing to remove her chains and shackles. Once free, she roamed the land searching for the other Amazon tribes. Latrina came upon Themiscyra, a tribe, young and prosperous. They took her in and made her part of their tribe.

Latrina was welcomed very warmly, and she took up residency with three other Amazons: Samsara, the goddess of the tribe, Cassia, the tribe’s head healer, and Selena, the tribe’s head seamstress as well as the Guardian of the Children. Latrina enjoyed her stay, but it was almost cut short when an evil spirit possessed Selena.

Latrina had a premonition that showed Selena in trouble. She feared that the village thinking she was a witch would get rid of her. Instead she was thanked for her gift for it helped them take the proper steps to save Selena. It explained why Selena’s violent streak started to show through, thus landing Selena in the village jail, for protection towards herself and others.

Latrina gained position in the tribe as a Guardian of the Thermadon River, and Metalsmith Apprentice. When Latrina was working in the blacksmith’s shop, she happened to be greeted by a whoosh of white feathers.

As she observed the creature it was a large snowy owl with green eyes. Latrina, remembered that her mother also had an owl exactly like the one she saw before her, only it had blue eyes. The owl was a family trait, a familiar.

Latrina gave the green-eyed owl the name Circe. She discovered soon after she could communicate with this owl. She learned quickly that the owl could talk to her telepathically.

One night while Latrina was patrolling the River, she ran into Bruta who had fallowed her from her village. The awful man she was traded to by Rumor. A battle ensued. Clanging swords rang through the night air. Circe had flown through the dining hall to get help; the village came rushing toward the gates. In the end Latrina killed the man who tried to enslave her.

“Never try to enslave an Amazon,” Latrina hissed in his ear.

That night Latrina had the dream of that terrible day where she saw her friends murdered, all brought on by the guilt of the killing of Bruta. So figuring it would be wise to leave the residency, she managed to gain a home of her own.

All though she was welcome to stay, she had made up her mind to leave. She thought it best to move in order to free the occupants of the home from her terrible nightmares, in order for them not to have the burdened of her awful memory and to save them from many sleepless nights filled with her cries of pain.

She would not live alone long. For the night of that awful dream, there was a new arrival in Themiscyra. Her name was Leonie. She had the gift to weave tails, and became the tribe’s storyteller or her offical title was, “Ria Istoria”. She never imagined what lay before her in Themiscyra.

While visiting her horse in the stable Leonie noticed a chocolate horse with a blonde mane. For some reason it looked so familiar. Latrina arrived at the stable to visit her horse named Hileli, the same horse that Leonie was observing from afar. When Leonie noticed the two together, it triggered her memory.

Leonie had been traveling in Greece a while back and came up on an overthrow of power. She observed the spectacle and felt pain for the poor girl left up there to watch. In a quick movement, she threw the rock at the horse’s flank and thus enabled the woman to escape. The woman she saved was none other than Latrina.

Latrina had a premonition and all was revealed. In the end Latrina and Leonie became roommates. Their friendship grew till they were close as sisters. During Leonie’s arrival there was also an arrival of a trade ship. Latrina was told to guard the boat with a weary eye, the Amazons wanted to make sure it was here for friendly trade.

While Latrina was watching the boat and its occupants, a man approached her with a small bundle in his hand. He asked Latrina to care for the bundle, as he could no longer. Latrina accepted the responsibility without question. When she looked inside, she discovered a black kitten with green eyes. She named the kitten Calypso in remembrance of her mother’s pet owl.

With the addition of the kitten, Latrina’s family now contained a horse named Hileli, a snow owl named Circe, the little kitten named Calypso, and a new sister and best friend named Leonie.

Latrina continued to walkher guard detail, and one day when she got the idea to take a sneak peek at the ships’ contents. She talked a sailor named Markus into giving her a tour. They instantly fell in love, a fast and furious type of love. He spoiled her with presents.

When he left, after 5 days Latrina fell into a depressed state. It was none other then her roommate Leonie who pulled her out, convincing Latrina he would be back and would write.

Another reason Latrina’s spirits rose was Selena finally confronted her demon and was released from the village jail. On her return she was overwhelmed with the life that had passed her by.

A visitor to the tribe had poisoned the tribe’s food and Selena went to work in the village medical hut. While the sick women came in and out, the traders left in the ship. It was total madness in Themiscyra.

One day while Selena had been told to get rest or she would over work herself, she decided on a walk down by the river.

As she enjoyed the quiet she encountered a woman, beat with very bad wounds. As the woman collapsed in front of Selena, the only words she could utter were “Princess Latrina.”

Taking the woman into the village where she could heal, a discovery was made.

The woman was Latrina’s Aunt; she had come to take her back home to save her village from the evil Queen Rumor. Through this discovery Selena and Latrina discovered they were truly cousins.

Latrina’s mother had two sisters, one was the woman named Fedora, who was here to bring her home. The other was banished from her homeland for falling in love-that was Selena’s mother. Fedora healed and then her true colors decided to show.

Soon Latrina and her Aunt were always fighting. Fedora thought Latrina dishonored her mother’s memory and the tribe, because she pledged her loyalty to Themiscyra.

Leonie had become Latrina’s best friend and that infuriated Fedora even more. A woman who was no relation to Latrina got her loyalty as friend. It got to the point where Latrina was addressing the high council one night to ask for premonition for her journey.

Fedora could contain it no longer and disrupted the meeting; in the end she was told to leave when Latrina and Selena left and never to return again. So with that Latrina, Selena and Fedora started out on their journey back to Latrina’s homeland to gain vengeance on her mother’s murderer, as well as to liberate the village.

On the way to Ambrica, Selena and Fedora developed a close Aunt and niece bond, only to be thrown away when they arrived. Fedora kidnapped Selena and turned her into Rumor, in order to prove her loyalty to Rumor herself.

The rebels, lead by the daughter of the leader of Alana’s royal guard, discovered Latrina. Amora was Latrina’s best friend when they were young. In the rejoin of the friends, Amora gave up her seat of power to Latrina who was declared their leader and vowed to overthrow Rumor.

Rumor ordered Selena to a public beating, in order to find out the information she knew about Latrina, the guards stood ready. Selena endured numerous beatings, and then was sentenced to death at dawn by Rumor. Fedora just stood next to Rumor’s side. The day of Selena’s execution Latrina and the rebels dressed in their mother’s armor.

Latrina leading, rode in on the horse that saved her. Circe flew in front of the party and Rumor stood in horror of the past catching up to her. She stood on the gallows white as a ghost. When she finally caught her breath, she heard Latrina’s voice ring out.

“I am the daughter of the one you murdered. I am the one you tried to sell, and I am the Rightful Queen of this tribe which you have delivered to hell. I am Latrina, and I challenge you to a fight to the death for the crown of the Sibyls tribe!” With that Rumor gained all her hate back, and the battle began.

When the sun hit the horizon the two women brought the fight onto the gallows. Selena and Fedora stood awed by the power the warrioress' possessed. Rumor grabbed Selena and used her as a shield as Latrina made a jab, nearly piercing her cousin though; however, Fedora was watching closely and suddenly jumped into the fray and received a fatal wound for her courage.

"Why did you do this?" Selena wept beside her Aunt’s prone body. "What have you proven?" She implored Fedora. Tears tracked down Selena's pale face, her heart was breaking and she was too young to feel such pain. "I forgive you, my Aunt. I forgive you, because all you have ever done was to mend a rift as best you knew how..." Latrina pulled Selena into an embrace as they both grieved over their last living relative.

Rumor was over joyed with the outcome. "One less to contend with! And by your own hand too!" she shouted. Latrina had time enough to gain her composure as Rumor tromped around triumphantly. She saw that Selena was safe from harm as she was cradling her aunt and went forward to take down Rumor with a deathblow.

"It ends here." Latrina vowed to all around her. Rumor was buried in the Amazon way, along with the Aunt whose last words were, "It is for the better of the tribe." They built pyres in the middle of the town and burned the bodies of the dead women. Selena and Latrina both grieved in each other arms for the loss of their Aunt, who perhaps was not beloved, but was respected. Latrina's heart was much heavier knowing it was her sword that pierced Fedora's flesh.

Latrina crowned the rebel leader, her friend Amora, the new Queen of the tribe. The two cousins Latrina and Selena returned to Themiscyra. When they reached their homeland, they returned to their lives. In the spring the trading ships will arrive. Latrina will see Markus again and Selena will see her brother.

“The End.” the Scout Leader said to the captivated girls. They looked at each other knowing that their sisters were right-she was a great storyteller.

“How do you know this story?” One of the girls asked.

“My very great grandmother was Leonie herself. I have this and many others of her stories written on scrolls at home. They are very old but we did manage to keep them. Tomorrow night you get to hear the tale of Leonie. Now off to bed with you, scouts.” The white blond said with a big grin.