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Thursday, 21 August 2003

Posted by moon/larangepage at 11:24 AM
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Numero Quatro:
Hey! I just got un-grounded sot that is AWSOME! hehe.
like the piccy? got it done at Allied Inspiration. The URL is The link is over there---->lol.=D

Posted by moon/larangepage at 10:19 AM
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Tuesday, 19 August 2003
Number Three::

well, for some reason my speakers have gone dead, so im not sure if it is the speakers or the music. oh well. I also found out how to post piccies! Yay!

Posted by moon/larangepage at 9:57 AM
Updated: Friday, 22 August 2003 8:44 AM
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Monday, 18 August 2003
Number Two:
Like the music? Good. I guess. I'm gonna probably change it every week, so get used to it and check back after a few days.
Does anybody around here still like Pokemon? My fave is Ninetails and Dragonair.'Specialy Dragonair. In fact, i'm gonna go watch an episode in a few minutes. Cool. hehe lol=D I'm gonna also try to get some piccies around here, and just sorta expirement. Maybe i'll learn how to type some html. I only know basic tags.
Email me at, and tell me your fave pokemon, and I'll write you back. Who knows, we might accitually get a conversation going!
Also, tell me your RPG and such and I'll advertise for you. Maybe. MUWHAHAHA!
Does anyone around here read Philip Pullman's books? I'm enfatuated with The Golden Compass. Tell me what you think!
Email me (address above) and tell me what your daemon's name would be and what it's fave form is and I'll post your name and daemons name on my site! It'll be fun, no?

Posted by moon/larangepage at 8:45 AM
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Sunday, 17 August 2003
Number one: Start from the beginning...
well, i've almost got this figured out...let's hope it all works out.
This page is for all to see, being my personal home page. I will post music, ideas, pictures, poems, ect, for ever and ever, and kinda use it as a public journal. Also there will be links to the best RPG's there are, the one's i play at. And i only play at the best.
A little about me, shall we?
~Name: Larange Victoria Hunter
~Age: 13
~Friends: Natalie and Shelley, and Cassidy. of course.
~ Fave movie: Oooh, hard one. Well, of course Pirates. and LOTR, and Harry Potter.for beginners.
~Fave ice cream: ROCKY ROAD ALL THE WAY!!dude..

man, i could go on and on, but don't let me hold u up. Keep surfin' dude! or whatever....=D

Posted by moon/larangepage at 9:18 AM
Updated: Sunday, 17 August 2003 9:36 AM
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