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Krissy's Attachment Parenting site

Being a parent has opened my eyes, it has unlocked my heart, and it has made me the person I had always wanted to be.

The birth of my daughter was nothing less than miraculous. Not intending to breastfeed past 6 months, nor feel her warm tiny breath nuzzled against my breast throughout the night, my instincts took over and led me on the wonderful journey of Attachment Parenting.

Being a young mother, I am looked down upon by society. Being an Attachment Parenting young mother, I'm looked down upon even more. The exceptional strength and joy my daughter has brought into my life has given me all I will ever need to carry on and be PROUD of my choices. I hope in return, I bring that same strength and joy into her life.

Though our society does not accept nor appreciate those of us who breastfeed our babies or children past a year, who let our children share a bed with us, who answer our child's cries with arms wide open, who carry our children in slings instead of locking them in a stroller, I believe we should ignore all comments, or at very least, take them with a grain of salt, and stick with OUR instincts, rather than the words of our so-called "concerned" doctors or family members.

Looking for online baby stores earlier this week, I stumbled across a site that advertised "Bottle holders, attach easily to carseats or strollers" (It would attach on to the stroller, so the mother wouldn't even have to hold the bottle to feed her baby)I couldn't help but feel sorry for any baby who must endure a parenting style where bottle holders are used. Why anyone would bring a baby into this world only to feed them second (according to some experts fourth) best, and using some horrendous form of technology to do so, is incomprehensible to me.

I chose to make this website, to hopefully educate some on this glorious style of natural parenting, and to interest those who already practice it.

On this site I will include links to other great AP sites, Have a space for stories sent in by readers. I will include information that I have gathered from various other sites and books. I will also have a place for you to post pictures of you and your Attachment Parented children :)

I hope you all enjoy!

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