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~*Shout Outs*~

*If you're ever shipwrecked on a tropical island and you don't know how to speak the natives' language, just say "Poppy-oomy." I bet it means something.*

Ellen~I miss ya girly. Hope you're having fun in Colorado. I'm still looking for a Jeep to trade you in for.
Sara B~ Little Rock was so much fun! You are such a great friend, and I love ya to death. I'll never forget you putting shaving cream on my car, and when I get you back you get out of school for it!
Megan P~ HaHa we got Sam sooooo good on Friday the 13th. Dressing in all black and sneaking into someone's house at midnight makes for a great Friday night!
Sam~ HaHa STINK BOMB! Only you and me could have fun driving around on a Saturday night shooting people with water guns!
Megan B~ You're such a qt and I'm glad I got to know you this year!
Kristin Sheapard~ Girl you're such a doll, I'm so happy that we became friends this yr. I love your name!

Any body I left off, I still love you too! :-)