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A Short Bio of Andrei Kolmogorov (1900-1987)

Born in Tombov, Russia on April 25, 1903, Kolmogorov was a heavy contributor in the field of mathematics. He attended Moscow State University in 1920 as a student and upon graduation in 1925; he joined the university faculty in the field of physics and mathematics. He later became a professor in 1931 and was later appointed the director of the university’s Institute of Mathematics in 1933.

Kolmogorov was an outstanding mathematician for his time and made many contributions to the theory of functions, mathematical logic, and mechanics. However, he is most noted for his work in the field of probability. His work used probability to predict the future outcomes of situation over a set amount of time. His work spilled over into physics and statistics, where they are studied in those fields today. He set general laws for probability. His more than 500 mathematical publications have affected the way we look at probability and mathematics today.

Kolmogorov was named a Hero of Socialist Labor in 1963, which is a rare honor for someone whose main career was devoted in the education department. On October 20, 1987, Kolmogorov passed away at the age of 87. He will always be remembered as a mathematician devoted to his work in probability.

Please Visit the Links Below. A special thanks to The Practice of Statistics Book, Microsoft Encarta 2002, and Dr. William Greco for information provided. Thank you for visiting and please come again!

Created By: Zachary Marzec

Kolmogorov Links

Kolmogorov Site
Kolmogorov Bio Page
Statistics page