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"Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired." Robert Frost

Welcome to my site!!

Well, this is my webpage. It's basically something that I do when I am bored. It has some things that I think are neat.


My favorite thing to do is sleep at this point in time. I don't get much so when I can, I enjoy sleeping until noon, haha. I also enjoy spending time with my friends and my boyfriend. I work at Red Lobster as a server, so I work a lot. I also attend MCC. I can't forget my other most favorite thing to do, SHOP! I love to shop no matter what it is! I think I need shopaholics annonymous! Is there even such a thing?


My I have to have a career?? I really have no idea what I plan on doing after highschool. I keep changing my mind. At the current moment I am planning to go into secondary education. I am attending MCC for two years in the university transfer program. That is the only concrete thing that I have decided. After I get my teaching degree I plan on getting a degree in photography.

Enjoy the rest of my page!!
~Me And My BaBy~
~My Favorite Sites~