Kitty Luna Home

This is a site about me! Wow... Does that sound selfish or what ¬_¬;;... Actually, it is about me, but I didn't make it because I love myself and such and so on. I actually made this site because EVERYONE I meet online (yes, everyone) asks to see my stories or songs or pictures of me. So I made this site to save time and hassle on both ends. A win win bargain, eh ^_~? Also this site is about my character, Kitty Luna. So don't be surprised if the stories and most of the pictures are of her (some pictures will be of me when I get them ^_^;;...). Anyway, enjoy your stay and have a great day!! Ciao! ~Kitty Luna

(PS... The picture below is of Hikaru Shidou from Magic Knight Rayearth. A lot of my friends say that I am like a cross of her and Lina Inverse from Slayers ^_^;;... Not sure if that's a compliment really but I really do like the two ^_^! Hikaru is probably my favorite character in MKR along with Lantis and Eagle *.*...)


1) Thou shalt not swear
2) Thou shalt not criticise me too much x_X;;... I already know how much I suck and how ugly I am, thank you ¬_¬...
3) Thou shalt not be mean to others, I hate it when people are hurt >=(!
4) Thou shalt act as wierd as thou wishes (I am doing so, why can't you =P?)
5) Thou shalt have TONS of fun ^_~!!!!!

Few things I hope to get on here

Stuff!! Yay!

Corbin, one of my best buddy's website
Kes, my sister's forum

My forum (It so sucks @_@... ;_;)
View my guestbook
Sign my guestbook

To Black~
To Kevin~
To Randell~

Songs that I have written
Stories that I have written
Art Work (I draw too!)
Bio of me >.>
Pictures of me (Aye, I'm ugly, I know)

Backgrounds (Pics I liked and wanna share. Technically they are background images for the comp)