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December 20th, 2003 @ 4:13am
Have you noticed the blue clouds and the orange moon? I stare at the moon a lot, and just..let my mind float... It eases my thoughts and abates my pain.. keeps me from exploiting my feeling.. feelings which no one will ever know of... feelings I abridge into a small area hidden within my own mind..
December 22nd, 2003 @ 10:45am
No One is ever like they seem. People don't change, they just become who they really are. So it's not how much or little you change, it's about who will stick by you no matter what you've become. Remember that no matter how good a friend is, they're going to hurt you every once in awhile and you must forgive them for that...
January 12th, 2004 @ 11:36pm
Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, & ends with a tear don`t cry over anyone who wont cry over you. Good friends are hard to find, harder to leave, and impossible to forget, it can only go as far as you push. Actions speak louder than words, hardest thing is to watch the one you love, love someone else. Don`t let the past hold you back, you`re missing the good stuff, life`s short if you don`t look around you might miss it. Some people make the world special just by being in it, don`t frown, you never know who isfalling in lovewith your smile. Nobody is perfect until you fall in love with them everything is okay in the end. If it`s not, then it`s not the end.
September 25th, 2004 @ 1:36am
Sometime you may never know why things happen only that they do..but you can only move on from such things to persevere and live life, sometime sit`s dark, scary and you feel lonely and afraid. But you must be determined to continue headstrong. The path might be long and treacherous, but..in the end it will be worth it, and when you lie down after its all done and through. You will know that you`ve lived a fullfilling life.
LOVE: It is a flower and you are all the seed. It's the heart afraid of breaking that never learn to dance. It's the dream afraid of being waken up, but never take the chance. It`s the one who won`t be taking who can not seems to give and the soul afraid of dying that never learn to live. When the night has been too lonely and you feel that love is only for the lucky and the strong. Just remember in the winter far beneath the bitter snows lie the seed that with the sun`s love in the spring become the rose. There is a danger when you`re in love with someone so much and it`s sad when you know it`s his heart you can`t trust. That is the reason why some people don`t stay where they are.
APPLES: Guys/Girls are like apples on trees. The best ones are at the top of the tree. You don't want to reach for the good ones because you're afraid of falling and getting hurt. Instead you just get the rotten apples that are on the ground, that aren't as good, but easy. So the apples at the top think that there is something wrong with them, when in reality, they are amazing. That is why we just have to be a little patient, the right one who takes a chance to find the good, right apple, will come someday...
There was a girl, she was a believer, a daydreamer, a hopeless romantic, a girl who would never give up, or let anyone bring her down, a sceptic, an optimistic, a girl who was destined to never move on or never let go. She was a girl who knew what she wanted but was clueless on how to get it. She was a compulsive shop-aholic, a girl who hated change even if it was unavoidable, a slow jam junkie, a girl who needed a change in direction. She was a girl who saw things both in colour and in black & white. She may have been complicated but at least she was herself.

October 2nd, 2004 @ 02:35pm
Those that fail often blame that they did not receive the encouragement in order to succeed. This is the most common excuse used for it is an understandable reason and ethic that shapes our lives severely. It is not their fault to use this moral excuse since those that do not have such encouragement are indeed missing a part in their lives that would lead them to success much more easily. There may be no fire without a spark. In reality those that inspire others may be the sparks and those that are inspired may be the fires. There may be many sparks in the process of making a fire but in theend it’s all up to the fire to ignite and burn. We often blame to avoid meeting the truth and reality that we have failed to do our own part in life. We blame cause we know that we are the fires.

January 12th, 2004 @ 06:17pm
Do you ever wish sometimes that you could go back to a certain point in your life and redo a certain moment that you would want to change? I know it's stupid to constantly think of the past but sometimes it just gets too hard not to wonder "What if this" and "What if that". Like what if I had said this or what if I had done that..maybe things would have turned out different, maybe my life would be different now, who knows. I guess it's stupid to think that way because whats done is done and until someone comes up with a way to go back in time we'll all have to live with our regrets and our mistakes and try to do the best we can to get back on track, it's just that sometimes getting back on track is harder to do than it really should be, I guess thats where I'm stuck right now. I'm stuck between getting back on track and wishing that things were different and until I make the transition between the two I don't think I'll be able to move on..but I will...I will..
February 10th, 2004 @ 8:10pm
Life is so unpredictable....one minute you can feel like the happiest person in the world...and the next minute...you feel like the unluckiest person...but i`ve learned to take it as it comes..be ready for anything....maybe..just maybe...things will work out...you never know what will happen...but seriously...does everything really happen for a reason? Think about what`s been going on in your life...who in your life has changed you? Who in your life has made you a better person...who in your life has helped you to learn from your mistakes...take everything negative..and change it into something positive....don`t worry about the "what ifs"....everyone is the hero of their own life...its your story...live it...

October 1st, 2004 @ 08:36pm
Relationships are never mutual. One must always contribute more in order for a relationship to work. The feeling of being confused if one should invest and sacrifice so much for an individual who he or she has not known yet until the recent months or years of his or her life has their reasons to feel so. “Will my time, effort, and emotions fail?” Is one of the many questions that truth and reality brings us for we know that love is a selfish act. When we love someone we cannot say that we do not expect love back because we do expect love in return in order to feel comfort and security. How often when we hear the word ‘trust’ a sudden insecure feeling comes to us for trust is something our world lacks of. It is very sad to know how much we hate to gamble with our hopes and feelings because we were taught to live happily ever after.
Family means belonging and sharing everything the people who mean the most to you, and caring for the needs of those closest to your heart. They are the ones that you can always count on through thick and thin. Families are the rich soil from which we grow and to which we return for the nourishment of our roots.
December 21st, 2003 @ 8:53pm
So far I've learnt that everyday of your life must be lived to the fullest. Life is about smiling, laughing, and crying. Life is about making the most of what you have and what you're given. It's about keeping relationships and losing them. Life is about falling in love and losing someone you do love. Life was given to us as a challenge, and it's not easy, but you have to try and meet that challenge and make the most of it while you can because you don't actually know when it will be your turn to lay down to rest. You only have one shot at life, so make sure you take it with both hands and squeeze every little drop out of it you can. Just always keep your head up and smile =) life feels so much better...Anyways, I`m off to start a new chapter in my life. Leaving behind all the things that I love and hate, to start afresh.
December 23rd, 2003 @ 7:30pm
Cars pass by. People walk past. I sit here...unable to move, not wanting to move. I don't want life to pass by aimlessly. I dont want to live day to day, waiting for it to be tomorrow. I want to cherish each moment, every laugh, every smile, every tear...every breath. How lucky am I to be here, to be alive? To have a loving family and wonderful friends? One day..today, tomorrow, weeks, months, years, life will no longer exist. It's scary thought, but I don't want to hear "You don't know what you have til it's gone..."
Words from a friend: Anthony Nguyen
"To be happy with a man you must understand him a lot and love him a little. To be happy with a woman you must love her a lot and not try to understand her at all. Love is not a union merely between two creatures, it is a union between two spirits. Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies. The supreme happiness of life is the conviction of being loved for yourself, or more correctly, being loved in spite of yourself. Love demands all, and has a right to all. The most precious possession that ever comes to a man in this world is a woman's heart." -Thanks for sharing Ant. =)
December 19th, 2003 @ 9:20pm
There are those who walk in and out of my life. Some have made my life much more enjoyable, and others who I don't look back on. But there those who have made me stronger, and also helped me open my eyes and expand my horizon to the wonderful opportunities I can offer the world, or just to help those I care about in their time of need. I live my life one day at a time, being careful not to intrude in others lives unless they have already invited me in. I am forever greatful to those who have given me a chance to be apart of their life. Even though there are endless challenges that I face everyday, I don't let that stop me because I'm one of the fortunate to be Living, Breathing, Touching, and Listening to everything and everybody surrounding me! I'm happy to be alive! But if tragedy strikes, and I suddenly leave this world...Don't miss me for who I was, but miss me for the difference I made in your life, or even in this world..

December 22nd, 2003 @ 2:17am
I consider food as art and without art, life would simply become non-existent. To enjoy life to the fullest extent, is to fill it with happy memories. These happy memories comes from the "sweetest" moments in life. That is why I think everyone has these moments engraved deep within their hearts. They can even be the simplest things in life, like a scoop of vanilla ice cream or a cup of coffee. Both can be devoured tastefully and comfort the darkness inside, or just plainly swallowed down without ever knowing what kind of sweetness it may bring.
December 22nd, 2003 @ 11:35pm
Sometimes.. just sitting there and staring out at the sky can be pretty interesting.. being out in the open.. no boundaries.. no beginning no end.. where you want to go.. you can.. no thoughts.. no pain.. no worries.. to feel nothing surround you.. yet feel everything moving around you.. close your eyes and imagine.. let go... be free...
"The most beautiful thing in this world is.."
Aphrodite, the god of love, asked three of her servants to bring her the most beautiful thing in the world. The first servant brought her a red rose which smelt as sweet as honey. The second servant brought her a new born child who's crying was as pleasant as the sound of music. The last servant brought to her his mother who had wrinkles all over her hands and face. The other servants were surprised to see the third servant bring his own mother but Aphrodite just smiled and placed her hands on the old woman's heart then to the servant she spoke "Thank you..for you have brought me the most beautiful thing in this world. A rose is beautiful indeed but cannot stay beautiful forever. A new born child's cry is beautiful but a child cannot stay a child forever. You have brought me your mother's love which cannot fade nor disappear. It can only grow...and grow..."

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