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A True Role Model: My mom

Person created: Matthew Weeks (picture at bottom)

Matthew chose to do my role model paper/project on my mom, Marina Weeks because she inspired and motivated me to become something greater in life.

Read essay below

Role Model

A Role model is someone who inspires, and motivates you to become something greater in life. As I stumble upon barriers in my life, I look upon my mom for advice and guidance. It’s paying off. Due to the love and respect I have for my mom, I’m glad to say that my role model in life is my mother Marina Eugenia Weeks

My mom was born in Columbia, and after living there for seven years she immigrated to America to live out the American dream. She moved to Burbank California where she attended the local school. My mom was asked what grade she wanted to be in and she said 4th. Normally at that age you do not enroll in such a high class, but because Columbia’s short school year, she was allowed to transfer in at the fourth grade level.

Later when she got into North Hollywood High School, she stumbled upon some hardships. English. English in elementary and middle school was tough, but it became, really tough for her in High School. It was her second language. My mom put countless hours into becoming proficient in English and shocked everybody by earning a “C grade”

My mom played on the tennis team at North Hollywood High. She became competitive and I hear, in her prime, she was unbeatable. With her tennis commitment and English struggles, my mom was still able to receive her first job. She started working at the local dime store and Months later; she got a job at the local dog pound to earn some extra money. She picked up droppings, and cleaning up the dog cages, and the rest of her schedule looked like this.

5 A.M Wake up 6-7:30 go to the pound and do her job. 8-2:45 School 3-5 tennis, study hall 5-8 work at local dime store 8:30 dinner 9-11 homework 11 sleep

Turning more to her later days in school, she began to get more involved in the community. After Volunteering in shelters. She said “Volunteering is a win win situation, you can place it on you’re ressiama and feel good about yourself.” (Weeks Interview July 31, 2003) From going through a hectic schedule my mom was due to have free time to herself, that’s when she really got into her hobbies. Her hobbies where, reading, and showing dogs at dog shows, it relaxed her and made her feel good about herself.

My mom wanted to enroll in college after high school, but she was struggling with the cost of attending school. How to afford it? Hard earned money. So what did my mom do? Nonetheless got more jobs. She became a dog trainer, and a veteranian assistant. The job requirements were to hang tough, and to be a good solid worker. My mom wanted to go to college, to study medicine and receive a Bachelors degree so she can open up a veteranian shop.

Since my mom had to pay for college, she decided to spend her first two years at a community college called Valley College. After two good years there, she saved up enough money to transfer to a university. She then attended Cal State Northridge. After two years she received her Bachelors degree in Medicine. She accomplished her goals and was ready for her future to take her on a wild ride.

Now after being married and having two kids she went into the field of teaching my mom attended Clark College to receive a teaching degree, and after two years she got it. My mom became the preschool teacher at “Our Lady Of Lourdes School”, a small Catholic school in Vancouver Washington. When I asked her, “Aren’t you mad you didn’t start a pet business”, she replied with a response that will replay in my head forever “Son, if you dream does not come true, you’ll find happiness in the oddest places” (Weeks Interview July 31, 2003)

My mom’s main obstacle in life was her inability to pay for college. She wanted to excel in her dream, and she knew if she worked hard, and placed her faith in God, a way will always come upon you. Now her goal is to live a good life, and to work until she is retired.

Why did I choose this person to talk about? The answer to this question is simple. Who is a better role model than a parent? If I can follow somewhat in my mom’s footsteps, I will find the true path that leads to happiness, and find a way to take a dream and turn it into reality.

What The Role Model Looks Like