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Sunshine and Blue Skys
Monday, 16 June 2003
First day of Summer
Man, I'm pissed, I just had typed like frickin like two pages worth, and now it's all gone.
I hate it when that type of shit happens, but I guess what can you do?
Today summer has started. I spent all of my morning looking for a job, which I know is not exactly a slacker first day of summer kind of thing to do, but well I really need a job before the end of this week. I have to start summer school next week, tommorow I have to go register for it. Sounds like a good time huh? Sometimes I really wish I hadn't left Subway, I know that it sucked, and that I hated it, but I hate being broke and not having money too. Because now that all the stuff I typed is gone, I don't feel like writing this the way I did last time,so lets just jump in, so who am?
My names Violet, I'm 16 and live in So. Cal. My life is well my life, I'm gonna be a junior when we go back to school in the fall, and I'm fuckin stoked about it, I just hope to high hell that I don't screw myself over like I did this year, man I've made some really big idiot mistakes. I'm unemployed and living off my parents right now, which sucks, I really hate not having my own money, tomorrow I have to go sign up for english 10 cause yep you guessed it, I failed, good times huh? the worst part is I'm a frickin honors student, so I don't know if they will let me take honors next year even if I get an A in summer school. My intelligence is something I take great pride in, I know that I'm above average I don't pretend to be stupid. I just kind depressed, and then I don't work, and then everything gets worse, and I get more depressed, and well, then I fail my classes. It's a very fun little cycle.
Truly, lately I'm actually feeling okies, this is in part due to a boy. I, like most girls, can be made much happier by a boy, I think this is a great flaw among our race. The boy is wonderful, we've only been going out for two weeks, but it feels like longer than that to me. I really want things to last between us, he is such a great guy, usually I avoid commitment at all costs, but I've been saying I want a long-term thing now for some time, so hopefully I won't let myself freak out and ruin everything. keep your fingers crossed.
For now I think I'm done typing, the orginal of this was a lot better, damn computers, but oh well, I'll write more later.

Posted by moon/junegloom at 2:48 PM PDT
Updated: Monday, 16 June 2003 5:57 PM PDT
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