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This is my Web Page

Hello my name is Lisa and I'am learning how to write html. I'am 31 years old and have two living children and one child who passed SIDS. My oldest child is Shannon she is ten years old and in the 5th grade. My son is Jack he is 10 weeks old. Johnny is my child who passed from SIDS in 2001. He was 4months old. He is the reason I'am learning html. So I can make a nice web page and pages to honor his memory.
Last Day
Oh Little One
If I had only known
it was to be
Our Last Day together
I would have done it all
I would have taken you to
the beach to hear the waves
And to the mountains
to feel the snow
I would have shown you
Rainbows and Christmas Trees
and Ferris Wheels
or maybe
I would have done excatly what
I did
Sung you to sleep and tucked you in
And whispered
       When God took him
  It was hard to say goddbye
     I still don't understand
        why he had to die
     I say a prayer for my baby,
        In hopes that maybe...
          He knows he's still
            loved and missed
              And to the skies
                 I'll blow him a Kiss 

© by Lisa Devereux 2003