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Jess's very cool life hah..
Wednesday, 9 July 2003
What up everybody... if anybody... I do this jus to vent more or less... I guess writing eases my troubled mind.. that and insomnia.. i swear im an insomnaic i never sleep.. I find myself thinking way too much. Im more or less an "emo" kid yes.. i haet admitting that cuz i hate the term emo... but the label and definition of an emo kid is me.. I don't love life it has its ups and downs... but im not the biggest fan.. I guess im pretty agnostic as far as relegion goes.. Music is my life it is the only thing that hasn't let me down.. I listen to "emo", punk, pop punk, some rock, and indie... I love Music in general.. Chris Carrabba is my hero... I love the park and i love to swing. I feel like im going to be lonely for the rest of my useless life.. No i dont feel sorry for myself it is a waste of time.. I alwasy fall for the wrong people and i love the wrong people.. i expect to much in people i guess.. even if its nothing.. Im a very sarcastic person i guess a smart ass fits me just fine. hah.. Lemme see here im 18.. i've never really gotten a long with my parents.. I hate drama and their is too much of it in my life... High school is over.. Thank God.. that was 92% of my problem.. I HATE scHOOL!! i Love my friends... they are the best part of being alive... hmmm. i guess this is all of me.. I use to keep a journal on blurty if anyone wants to check that out..
At this moment right now life is going all i can say is im still trucking. Peace i'll write more later!

Posted by moon/jessemo at 3:02 PM
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