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Hi My name's Jess. I am 13, and i live in Borehamwood, HERTS - England. I go to loreto school. My best friends are: Niamh, Christina, Caitlin, Becca, Gabby, Becki, Lacey, Fiona, Chrissy, Saz da bi-atch!, Batty-gal, Maz, Mark, Jak, Tom, Anna,and more. I am completely MAD about music. I play the piano, clarinet and i sing (but not very well!). I also really want to play the drums. I am a very sensetive person, when someones hurts me - it hurts bad. I deal with my problems (at the moment) in a way that i know should have been avoided in the first place but now i can't avoid it. You'll see what i mind when you read the rest of this website. Take Care All my love Jess xxxxXXXXxxxx

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