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Welcome to the Island of Wales Woman
A Few Links

More Links


Some Kind of Devil

The Goddess Gallery, a Beginning

Island Reflections Collection,
an online art gallery featuring my artwork

Our Hearth & Home Page

I Hope You Enjoy Your Visit

Under Construction

Patience please, things will change as I learn to write html. I may go bald tearing my hair out in the process, if the family doesn't mutiny first and demand I get back to the role of Hearth Queen and rattle them pots and pans.

My goal is to haves pages to view my deck(s), links to cool Tarot sites, card blogs on the meanings, different spreads and who knows what might come of it. Maybe thoughts, insights and something more creative, perhaps some of my paintings and other creative brainstorms. Gardening in the Tongass National Rainforest. It's a real 7 of Cups state of being right now.

I could have titled this page...

"Welcome to the Fool's Journey!"

because this definately is becoming quite an adventure in learning. I'm quite enthusiastic,don't know where I'm going, but have high hopes that the joy will be in the journey! By the time I'm "done", there should be links to about everything from building web pages, to sources for reproducing and/or publishing art, info on copyrights, reproduction and ownership rights, things I can't even imagine yet.

UPDATE: I still have hair and that's why this page hasn't changed much. So much to do and forgetting to do the stuff that needs added, updated and all around polished. I think I'm going to work on a page to offer emailed readings as my next project and clean the act up, update decks and complete others. Come back again soon.

Don't mind the ad's. They are free just like this web page.

Thanks, Bandit, for your photographic and creativity skills,turning daffodils from my garden into a mandella kaliedoscope.

Photograph Courtesy of Bandit's Alaska South East

This page updated November 14, 2005