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Yep. This is the not-so-official Illucia Sub-Site.
What Illucia will be:
In the future (within the next week), Illucia will return in all it's glory to prettymuch nothing of what it once was. It'll be a shitty forum (once again), webspace for me (new! i'm getting my own server), and also i'll probably just put other random shit up here, and play around a lot with php and sql stuff. i like sql db's a lot, it's fun.
About the Clan:
Illucia's clan will consist of a pretty lenient democracy of people. whoever wants to join has to prove their non-idiocy and coolness. an official game will probably be voted. i'll do some other crap too. i'll make an illucia clan on socom 2 online.
the clan tag for Illucia is [ILU].
yeah, if you wanna join "THE CLAN" or whatever, or if you have any questions, use one of the links below.
AIM me
YIM me
email me nvm my email is broken at the moment
Siegenet: PM me


your unholy savior,