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Waste of time | Nerd's Paradise | My Role Models | Brew Links | Go to hell

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Tales in the Life of a Career Masturbator: About the Author

Brewhaha: Making Your Own Brew

National Campaign to Enhance Alcohol Consumption

Are you bored out of your mind? Join the club, this is the website for you.

Step 1: Stare at the bouncing ball of zen, we wouldn't want you to go into shock from all of the excitement you are about to experience, ease out of it. Be one with dao, be the tea pot, etc...

Step 2: Surf website.

Step 3: Rinse, repeat.



PS: Sorry about the hypnotic advertisement, just try to avert your eyes from the spinning disk. It will remain until you all send me enough money to buy my own domain name.

Questions, comments? Shove it up your ass. Or you could sign my guestbook. To write directly to me, press the feedback link below. I can use all the HTML pointers I can get.

Site started September 7, 2003

get this gear!