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Hyrcania, the main residence of the Shatomlics, is located on the southern coast of the Caspian Sea. To its east lies the River Oxus, and further east and south it is surrounded by the Alborz mountains. The land is incredibly fertile, though they are plagued by extreme amounts of rainfall. When it is not raining, it is incredibly humid, which creates the almost rainforest like feel. The forest which surrounds the large village is populated with thick, broad leaved trees and bushes. However different the plant life is from the tribe's european counterparts, the animal life is quite similar, including beasts such as red deer, brown bear, wild boar, roe deer, and panther.
At the base of the Alborz mountains lies the Shatomlic's most sacred of places. A natural cave, the Anchiarata, it is where the Shatomlics hold their ceremonies and rituals. The other natives of the region are called the "Gil" and speak "Gilaki" a dialect of the Farsi language.

Monday, October 04, 2004

Summer is on leave at the moment, being in Italy. She has left me (Kim) in charge, so for the moment, all questions and apps are to head my way.

Posted by Kimmy

Tuesday, August 31, 2004

I'm playing with the thingo here...... trying to get it to publish. *waves to everyone*

Posted by Kimmy

Monday, August 30, 2004 after going through everything all day and basically having to redo the entire site...we are back in action! The shatomlic website address is up and running again.

Once I discuss it with Summer and them, I'll set up gmail accounts for the "staff" when I get my invites.

Until then, email me at the hotmail address with questions or concerns.

the new forums are here: clickie!

Welcome back, Shatomlics!

Posted by Shatomlic

testing newness!

Posted by Shatomlic

Okay, went through the process of getting the account back. I couldn't find the blogger account name, so it took me hour. ;)

So we're back up and running! I'm going to redo the profiles page to have the frames I'd originally intended, and I'm going to add Kimmie to the blogger team if she ever creates an account. *nudge*

Until then, the new boards are here:

Incidentally, they look better in Internet Explorer than Opera, which really cheeses me off. lol

Welcome back, Shatomlics!


Posted by Shatomlic

Saturday, April 12, 2003

The Shatomlics welcome two more sisters to the tribe, one of which is an entirely new character, Anahita.

Welcome Anahita!

The other is a character most of us are quite familiar with, and NPC that's been around since the beginning. She recently got picked up by a friend of Kim's, which is fitting, since the character is Kalasin's sister, Dreyanne.

Welcome Dreyanne!

Dreyanne, I might note, is to be a priestess, which we have direly needed for many moons, in order to get INITIATIONS even the Queens are not complete and total official members of the tribe. The addition of this character will hopefully make for a bit formality and tradition to seep into the tribe.

Both of their profiles have been added to the profiles page.

Also of note, one of our oldest members, Kim, is on a short LOA...she's having RL issues right now, and we're all supporting her in her time of need.

Come back to use soon, Kimmie, we miss you!

what else, what else...oh yes! I finally got word about our new host, and have started uploading some of the pages over there. We won't be officially moved until the site is complete, however. I don't envision it will take much longer, though. When we've done that, we'll make a splash page here, and have it automatically redirect to the new site. So keep posted and have your bookmarks ready to be changed!

That's it for now.


Posted by Rhiannon

Monday, April 07, 2003

The festival page is now complete.

Go here!

Posted by Kat

Thursday, April 03, 2003

Added the episode guide. I basically copied it from the old site, so I left Amber's copywrite on there.

Posted by Rhiannon

Wednesday, April 02, 2003

The Shatomlics are proud to welcome our newest member, Alia!

To read her intro thread, go here.

Her profile has been uploaded.

But the topic on everyone's mind is...who is this mysterious person? She signs her name, "The Masked RPer". Only a very few of us know for sure. What do *you* think?

click to go!

Posted by Rhiannon

Weekly Quote:

Gavin grins.
"Well whenever you need that repaying ju-"
Lara frantically moves to cover his mouth.
"Gavin!!! are not sleeping with her!"
Larissa and her brother, Gavin. Distress Call, Egypt..


"Well, when you end up having noble parents who enjoy making up names, then take your mothers maiden name on because your father was a bastard, then you travel the world gaining nicknames and middlenames from people as you go for your deeds, then take for yourself an amazonian surname, then you get married twice and get last names, then get all sorts of names from the creature inside you, then you die and become an enforcer/angel thingo, after a while you're going to have a long name like Kimmy's!"
~Sumeria, AC's Naming Ceremony, Hyrcania.

Popular Threads:

"Well, I?m Kim *********, and this here would be Lachie ***********. You?"
"Kalasin. Kalasin Ti?Ya-Kuk?Tai, and this is Hiroshi Yamamoto, my husband."
Kim looks Hiroshi up and down. "Well, he is very naked."
"You noticed that too?"
~Kim and Kalasin, The Shatomlic Convention, The Portals.

Questions? Comments? Contact the websmistresses at:

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