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My Favorite things about Angelfire.

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HISTORY:Pacaya, is of Guatemala's most active volcanoes.At a height of 8,420 feet, Pacaya Volcano offers climbers a spectacular look at an active volcano, complete with boiling lava and occasional spewing of steam and ash. The climb is relatively easy, as you can drive first to the village of San Vicente de Pacaya and then walk a couple of hours to the summit.
Summit Elevation 2,552m( 8,373 feet)
Pacaya is one of the world's most active volcanoes. Having explosions every 5-15mins.
Central America
HAZARDOUS RESULTS Pacaya sometimes causes Strong Earthquakes.
South just out side of Guatemala City.
Volcano Type:
Pacaya is a complex basaltic volcano. Complex is a volcanoe with two or more vents.
Eruptions often include simultaneous explosive activity and lava effusion. In Pacaya lava bombs explosively ejected from the summit crater and the profile of a lava flow descending from a vent on the right-hand flank of the volcano.>
HOW IT EFFECTS PEOPLE IN THE AREA The volcanoe has constant little eruptions so it really dosnt affect people in the city.
-=-This volcano has several explosions each day, averaging 1 explosion each 5 to 15 minutes.
-=-Alot of armed robberies takes place on the volcanoe and one should check with locals before a visit.
-=-First earthquake to ever have an eruption predicted by a camera up in space.
-=-One of the worlds most active volcanos.
-=-A complex volcano
I chose this volcano because I thought it was neat that it erupts every 5-15mins. I also thought that it was very pretty. I found it interesting that it was the first volcano that was detected by a camera in space when it was going to erupt. I found it to be a very interesteding volcanoe