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WelcomtSabaa's Website

Hey! My name is Sabaa Akhtar and this website is for my AP Government and Politics class. I'm a senior at Herndon High School and about to graduate in 2 weeks!

Now some information about me. I'm seventeen years old and I was born on August 7th at Fairfax Hospital in Reston, Virginia. When I was 3 years old my family moved to Herndon and I have been living there since then. My family includes my parents and a younger sister, Sahdia who's a freshman right now @ HHS. Also, I am a Pakistani Muslim.
    Some of my interest include, listening to music, hanging out with friends and just having a good time. Also, I enjoy reading, going to the movies and talking with my girlfriends. I have two best friends that I share my interests with, Nawshaba, a senior at HHS with me, and Hina who's a junior at Westfield HS. Other hobbies I have are that I enjoy shopping and watching TV.
   In the future, or after the summer is over, I am going to George Mason University. There I'm going as undecided but I'm probably going to switch to something dealing with business. Also in the near future, I plan on traveling a lot and owning my own business or something.
    Now, since I'm doing this for my government class, I'm going to talk a little about my**POLICTICAL SOCIALIZATION**.My view about government/politics has changed a lot ever since I took this class. I now have a broader view of our government that has helped me judge views and government leaders with my personal consent. Some ways that I view our political system now is that now I see both sides of the political spectrum. When I was little my parents had set no standard point of view for me on politics. Basically, they just kept their opinion to them. As I grew up I began hearing how great our former president, Clinton is. As years went by, my parents became my foundation on politics. Now, I have some similar opinions with them and some that are different, but my parents really helped shape my mind towards politics and government. I now have a more different view because before politics and government was just a boring conversation but now I really enjoy it. My parents so far are my influence on how I think towards government and politics. Also, September 11th has changed my view on politics because now I’m aware of my religion, my rights as a citizen and protecting myself against racist people. Basically, this class has helped me improve and broaden my views on politics and our government. Well, I hope you get something out of this website and enjoy it!

Summer Plans

   My summer plans so far are to just have a lot of fun and prepare for college. I might go to Orlando, Florida or something, but nothing is planned yet! Also, I'm getting ready to go to college. Here's a link to a site:

College and My Future

In the fall I'm going to George Mason University as an undecided student. I plan on either majoring in business or photography. Here's a link to my college:

Fun Websites

     1.    Bollywood World of Movies

This website is an international one that displays the Indian film industry. The website is one of my favorites, even though I’m not Indian. It has new movie previews, movie stars and all aspects of the Bollywood Industry.

2Seventeen Magazine
On this website it has all the aspects of the Seventeen magazine. From fashion to everyday problems and to embarrassing moments. This website also includes quizzes and advice that are helpful. Everyone should go check it out (girls!).

3Armani Exchange
This website is terrific and the clothes are awesome. It has clothes and accessories for men and women. The site is just awesome! Go check it our now!!!!

****Us Government****

US Constitution Link

Executive, Legislative & Judicial Branch Link

Virginia US Congressman

Frank Wolf was born in 1939 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where he attended public schools. He received his B.A. degree from Penn State University in 1961 and his law degree from Georgetown University in 1965. Prior to his election to Congress, he was employed on a congressional staff, at the Department of the Interior, and as an attorney. He lives in Vienna with his wife Carolyn. They are the parents of five children. Frank Wolf has represented Virginia's 10th District since 1980. Beginning next January, the 10th District will be comprised of the counties of Loudoun, Clarke, Frederick, Warren, the cities of Manassas, Manassas Park and Winchester and parts of the counties Fairfax, Prince William and Fauquier. Congressman Wolf is the chairman of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce-Justice-State and the Judiciary. This subcommittee has jurisdiction over the Commerce Department, the State Department and the Justice Department, including the FBI, INS and DEA. The subcommittee also has oversight over a host of other federal agencies, including the Federal Trade Commission, the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Federal Communications Commission and the Office of the United States Trade Representative.

Virginia US Senator

JOHN WILLIAM WARNER, Republican from Virginia, began his twenty-fifth year of service in the United States Senate on January 7, 2003 after having been elected to his fifth term on November 5, 2002. He is currently the third longest serving U.S. Senator in the history of the Commonwealth after Harry F. Byrd and Carter Glass.
Senator Warner was born on February 18, 1927. He is the grandson of John W. and Mary Tinsley Warner of Amherst County, Virginia, and the son of the late Martha Budd Warner and the late Dr. John W. Warner, a physician and surgeon.
Senator Warner has had the good fortune — the privilege — to be a public servant in seven different positions, with cumulative service of almost forty years.

Candidates for 2004 Presidential Elections

Democratic Candidates

Senator John Edwards
Senator John Edwards
Edwards for President
PO Box 300034
Raleigh, NC 27622

919-785-1900 (phone)
919-782-0091 (fax)

Senator Edwards believes that people everywhere in the real America don't ask much from government, but what they ask for matters. They want their leaders to honor their values, have the courage of their convictions, keep their country safe and strong, be smart with their money, and give them a chance to make the most of their future. Edwards believes that is the promise of the American Dream - if you work hard and play by the rules, America will give you the opportunity to reach higher, to build a better future. While the President loves to say since 9/11 that the American spirit has never been stronger, Senator Edwards wants us to be able to say the same about the American Dream

Senator John Kerry
Senator John Kerry
John Kerry for President
519 C St., NE
Washington, DC 20002

202-548-6800 (phone)
202-548-6801 (fax)

Senator Kerry has been a consistent supporter of emergency disaster relief for farmers across the country -- responding when droughts and floods and farm families’ have ravaged crops economic security put on the line.

Senator Kerry has worked to improve the federal crop insurance program for farmers.

Senator Kerry has fought on the frontlines to make our food safer and to fight for the highest protections against disease.

Senator Kerry authored an amendment to strengthen the National Flood Insurance Program and to reduce risk to the National Flood Insurance Fund. Kerry's amendment became law and reduced the number of uninsured property owners.

Senator Kerry opposed the 1996 Farm Bill. While it increased planting flexibility for farmers, it has had an overall disastrous effect for most small and midsize farmers in America. It has forced thousands of farmers to sell their family farms. Freedom to farm has become freedom to fail.

Senator Joe Lieberman
Senator Joe Lieberman
Joe Lieberman for President 2004
PO Box 967
Arlington, VA 22216

703-894-2004 (phone)
703-894-0770 (fax)

And in these tough times, Joe Lieberman is the strongest Democratic candidate to take on and beat George W. Bush. For over three decades, Lieberman has fought to keep America strong and secure, to grow our economy and create jobs, and to bring equal opportunity and justice to all our people. This is the winning formula followed by Roosevelt, Truman, Kennedy, and Clinton in years past. And it’s the one that will ensure a Lieberman victory in 2004.

Republican Candidate

Arriving for the State Dinner President George W. Bush, Philippine President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, her husband Jose Miguel Arroyo and Laura Bush greet the press from the North Portico of the White House Monday, May 19, 2003.

George W. Bush

There’s no real competition in the Republican area against him. In his 2003 State of the Union Address, President Bush proposed bold steps to address challenges at home and abroad - confident that America will meet these tests. The President set forth the following domestic goals for Congress and our nation to address this year:

Grow the Economy and Create Jobs

Strengthen and Improve Health Care

Encourage Acts of Compassion·

Promote Energy Independence While Improving the Environment.

****State/Local Government****

Virginia Home Page
Virginia State Representative

Frank Wolf seems and is a really nice person compared to the trip he made to our school.    Congressman Wolf has worked with local governments and communities to promote the region's industry by utilizing Virginia's two gateway airports to market scenic and historic attractions to domestic and foreign tourists. Recognizing the need to preserve the Shenandoah Valley's distinct Civil War heritage and expand tourism, Wolf introduced legislation establishing the "Shenandoah National Battlefields Historic District" protecting Civil War battlefields throughout the Valley. Property owners supported the legislation; local elected officials, historians, preservationists and citizens alike and was signed into law in 1996.
        In an effort to protect local jobs and keep a strong economy, Frank Wolf secured provisions for the Virginia Inland Port at Front Royal to retain its U.S. Customs port of entry status permanently, enabling it to continue to attract international commerce. It was also through his efforts that the Winchester Regional Airport retained its Customs official.

Virginia State Senator

A native of Northern Virginia, community leader for over 25 years, wife, and mother of two, Janet Howell has represented the residents of the 32nd Senate District for 12 years.
Janet has used her position in the Senate to benefit the residents of Northern Virginia. She is the first and only woman ever to serve on the prestigious Senate Finance Committee. In this capacity, she has focused on education, transportation, human services and public safety.
Janet is also the first woman and second non-lawyer to serve on the Committee for Courts of Justice. A recognized expert on family violence prevention and crimes against women and children, Janet has leveraged her position on this committee to champion legislation to protect women and children, including Megan's Law, creation of a sex offender registry, and anti-stalking legislation. Janet has chaired the Commission on Family Violence Prevention. She currently serves on the Virginia Crime Commission and chairs its Family Violence Subcommittee.

Fairfax County Home Page

****Comparative Government****
    This is a site to Iran's government and culture. Except for Persia itself all satrapies paid taxes to the central government. In previous empires taxes and tribute had been paid in kind. But now Money -a much more convenient form of exchange- was coming into use. Darius issued a gold coin - the Daric. Soon, it passed as a currency even outside the empire.

****Political Humor****
    This political cartoon is based on the Iraq war. As you will see on the website, Political Humor.Com, the infamous soldiers that were once raising the American flag, are now raising the McDonald logo with Arabic calligraphy. Basically this cartoon is saying that the Americans are customizing Iraq into American traditions, yet with a mix of Islam. Anyways, this statement is based on my opinion.